To Win A Lunatic's Heart/Ambreigns/Ambrollins

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 The morning sun shone through the hotel room window, Roman Reigns smiled as he opened his eyes and saw the love of his life still asleep beside him. He watched his boyfriend of four months Dean Ambrose, as he slept peacefully and he felt like the luckiest man in the world! After finally getting together with Dean, Roman had decided to stop thinking of their past...but this morning he didn't stop the memories as they replayed in his head.

 Roman and Dean met in NXT years earlier, they started off as best friends...brothers, but quickly fell in love; which was Dean's first time, they dated for a year. Their relationship ended though when Dean broke up with Roman; afraid of hurting him, but they remained brothers. Then a month after their break up, they met that two-toned scumbag, sellout Seth Rollins! He became best friends...brothers with both Roman and Dean, but not long after meeting him Dean for the second time in his life fell in love and it was with Seth! They began dating the first Raw after The Shield's debut in the WWE and Roman faked his happiness for them.

 Then the night of June 2nd, 2014 happened; the night Seth not only destroyed the Shield, but ended his relationship with Dean as well! Roman and Dean became closer; if that's possible and together they not only moved on, but they enjoyed ruining Seth and The Authority's plans every chance they got! At that time Roman and Dean hadn't officially gotten back together, but they acted like a couple; doing couple things including making love! Then one night four months ago, after Seth retained his title by cheating in a fatal 4-way match against Dean, Roman and Orton, Seth had come to his former brothers begging them to talk to him.

 The trio went out for drinks and talked, with Seth apologizing, both Dean and Roman wanted to believe him, but neither were sure if they could! After drinking, they went back to the hotel to hang out, Roman got held up by Hunter; so Dean and Seth went to the room alone. When Roman returned to the room he found his brothers together on the couch, his heart was shattered knowing they had slept together and Seth was the one Dean wanted! He took off, Dean followed, but lost him and that night Roman had stayed with his cousins. That night after a lot of tears and thinking, Roman realized that Dean still cared about him too and he knew he couldn't give up and let that bastard Rollins hurt the man Roman loved again!

 The next day he had gone to the arena and spoke to Hunter, demanding a match that night against Seth. Of course Hunter refused and Roman left his office furious, he saw Seth and confronted him, Seth admitted he loved and wanted Dean too! So, since neither would back off they were going to war to win Dean's heart! Dean found them and asked to talk to Roman alone and he agreed, once alone Dean explained everything and told Roman it was him he loved and wanted! Even though Roman was beyond happy to finally have Dean, he knew Seth wouldn't quit until he had won Dean! Roman's thoughts were interrupted by Dean waking up.

 "Morning baby boy." Dean greeted him smiling.

 "Morning D."

 "What time is it?" Dean asked, rubbing his eyes.

 "Uh...shit, it's seven!" Roman answered, as he checked his phone.

 "Damn, we're running late! Wanna share a shower to save time?" Dean asked smirking.

 "How is that going to save time?" Roman asked laughing.

 "It won't! I just needed an excuse to get you naked!" Dean answered.

 "In the future Mr. Ambrose, you don't need an excuse for that!" Roman replied kissing him. 

 "Good to know! Seriously though, we're late!" Dean said smiling, as they got up.

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