My Immortal/Ambreigns

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The midnight moon shone through the bedroom window, casting it's soft light across the bed, where a sleeping Roman Reigns lay. Suddenly a cool breeze blew across his face causing him to wake. He opened his eyes confused about where the breeze was coming from, until he looked towards the now open window. Smiling he got out of bed, turning on the lamp beside his bed, as he made his way to the window and looked out into the dark night.

He stood starring out the window, his back to the room, his body tingled as he sensed he wasn't alone. He smiled to himself, as he rubbed his arms, keeping his back to the room he spoke.

"I know you're here, I can feel you." Roman said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You were gone so long I was afraid you got caught."

"Aw, come on baby boy, you know me better than that! No one can touch me!" A deep, graveily voice spoke from the shadows where the lamps light didn't reach.

"I've missed you Dean." Roman said tears in his eyes, as he turned to face Dean.

"I've missed you." Dean replied, as he came out from where he had been standing. "Come here baby boy." He said, as he took Roman into his arms holding him close.

As Roman held onto Dean, he thought of their life together and everything they've been through. Their love story was something right out of a movie. Their love story began three years ago, when Roman had gone out to a new club with his best Seth Rollins. Roman had literally bumped into Dean Ambrose at the bar, spilling his drink all over the other man. Roman had been mortified, but Dean didn't care, even made a joke to lighten the mood. From the minute Roman had met him he knew there was something different about Dean! He couldn't quite figure it out, it seemed almost...magical!

They became inseperable and began dating a week after meeting. Two months after they began dating Roman discovered a secret Dean had been keeping from him. The secret wasn't that Dean was cheating on him, or that he was married; that Roman could have dealt with! Dean's secret was that he was a centuries old vampire! Of course Roman didn't believe him, why would he? Any sane person wouldn't! Dean proved it to him and even though it was a shock and he didn't know how to handle it, Roman stayed with Dean and they fell in love.

The longer Roman was with Dean, the more he learned about Dean and his life as a vampire. Roman was surprised to learn that Dean wasn't the only vampire; there were many others around the world. He also learned that vampires had their own rules, that had been around since the first vampires existed. Every vampire knew the rules, and were expected to follow them or they'd be punished. The biggest and most important rule was that vampires didn't date or fall in love with mortals; in fact they were to stay away from them completely! Breaking that rule resulted in death if caught!

Dean; Roman learned quickly, didn't like following rules of any kind vamp or mortal! Dean lived life to the fullest, doing whatever he wanted not caring about consequences! He wasn't afraid of anyone or anything, but he didn't go looking for trouble. Even though Dean knew the rules, he still fell in love with Roman; which lead them to the situation they were in now! The vampire elders had learned of their relationship, and told Dean to end it. When Dean refused to give Roman up, he was sentenced to death, Dean escaped though and was now on the run from the vampire bounty hunters. He would disappear for days, sometimes weeks at a time to keep Roman safe.

Dean had been gone for three weeks and Roman had been so scared, thinking Dean had been captured. Now that he was holding him in his arms again, Roman could finally breathe.

"How long can you stay?" Roman asked pulling away.

"Um...not long baby boy. I was spotted by a couple bounty hunters, but I lost them!" Dean explained, as they sat on the bed.

"You were followed? Did..." Roman began, but was cut off by Dean kissing him.

"Enough talking about that Ro! Let's just enjoy our time together and have some fun!" Dean said smiling, as they kissed again.

"I love you Dean!" Roman said between kisses.

"I love you too Rome!" Dean said laying Roman down, before he kissed him.

The kiss got more passionate, as they began to undress each other. Before anything could happen though, a knock came to Roman's door, both men froze.

"Ro, you awake?" Seth asked, as he opened the door and came in.

"Uh, yeah!" Roman said quickly looking around for Dean, but couldn't see him.

"You okay?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, why?" Roman asked, trying to stay calm, so Seth didn't become suspicious.

"I thought I heard you talking to someone. Are you?" Seth questioned.

"No, I'm all alone, maybe you heard my TV?" Roman answered smiling.

"Ro, you've been acting weird for awhile now, I'm worried about you!" Seth said gently, as he sat beside him. "You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?"

"I know Two-Tones, you don't need to worry though, I'm fine I promise!" Roman said smiling, before he hugged him.

"I love you Roman, you're all the family I have." Seth said gently.

"I love you too Seth."

"Alright man, I'll see you in the morning!" Seth said standing.

"Okay, hey let's go for breakfast tomorrow? My treat!" Roman suggested.

"Sure, night Ro."

"Night Seth."

After Seth left Roman got up and quickly looked around for Dean. Not finding him he called his name, but he still didn't get his response. Roman stood in the middle of the room not sure what to do, he felt so alone. He couldn't wait until Dean was able to stay with him and never have to leave him again! Until that day he'd love Dean when he could and stay strong for Dean! Roman wrapped a blanket around his shoulders as he looked out the window again and spoke.

"Stay safe my immortal! I love you!"

He then shut the window, before turning off the light and got into bed. As he did he never noticed Dean standing on the roof of the building across the street watching and listening to everything. Dean hated leaving Roman and promised him he would end this and return to Roman and never let him go ever again! Dean then ran across the roof, before he jumped off disappearing into the night.


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