The Bully And The Nerd Pt3/Ambrollins

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 Dean Ambrose stood outside his high school having a smoke, while he waited for his best Roman Reigns to finish football practice. As he leaned against the wall, he began to think about his life.

 Dean was the town's resident bad boy and he proudly lived up to his reputation; he drank, smoked, got into fights, slept with whoever he wanted...basically he said and did whatever the hell he wanted! Dean had had a really rough life growing up with his alcoholic, druggie, abusive parents. No one knew about his past, except for Roman; who he has been best friends with since kindergarten, and Roman's parents. They had only found out two years ago and after finding out Roman packed Dean's things himself and moved Dean into his parents house. Even though Roman's parents had always made Dean feel loved and welcome in their home, it still felt strange to finally have parents who loved and cared about him. 

 The only thing Roman's parents expected of him was that he go to school and graduate. Problem was...Dean hated school, he spent most of his time pulling pranks or slacking off! Of course it wasn't all bad, Dean, Roman and their group of friends ran the school! Everyone knew who they were and were either afraid of them or sucked up to them...sometimes even both! They liked to bully the other kids, but their favorite target was a kid both Dean and Roman have known and tormented since elementary school Seth Rollins; the town's resident nerd, goody-goody, ass kisser!

 Two days ago after school, Dean and Roman's parents had a meeting with their idiot principal Mr. Kincaid. Kincaid told them Dean was failing all his classes and if he wanted to graduate with Roman, he needed to get 80s or higher on all his exams. Then the asshole told Dean he got him a damn tutor, he already hated the idea, but when Seth walked in and he was told Rollins was his tutor he refused! Not having any choice he agreed and had his first session with the loser yesterday, in the library after school. Of course Dean didn't do anything, but torment Seth the entire time. After it was over though, Dean secretly felt like he'd never be able to pull it off and graduate! He was beginning to believe that he was as stupid as everyone said he was. That he'd never amount to anything, just like his parents, teachers and principal said he wouldn't! His thoughts were interrupted by Roman joining him.

 "Hey man, ready to go torment Rollins?" Roman asked smiling; Roman was the only one who knew about Dean's tutor.

 "I'm always ready for that!" Dean replied smiling, as he threw his smoke away and they headed inside to the library.

 Seth sat at the same table as yesterday, waiting for Dean to show up and once again he was late! At least the extra time he had right now he used to prepare himself for being alone with Dean again. Even though Dean, Roman and their jock friends made his life a living hell every day, Seth had fallen in love with Dean! He started off crushing on Dean in the fifth grade and by the time they got to high school he had fallen in love with the town's bad boy! Of course no one knew...who would he tell? He had no friends and even if he did, this was one secret he didn't want anyone to know! After yesterday's tutoring session, Seth had almost quit, thinking it was a waste of time, but he didn't. He loved Dean and truly wanted him to succeed and so, he decided to try harder! His thoughts were interrupted by Dean and Roman coming into the library, seeing him Seth's heart skipped a beat like always and he had to force himself not to smile.

 "You're late again Dean!" Seth scolded, as they joined him.

 "Again you're just lucky I showed!" Dean replied smiling, as he sat across from Seth and Roman sat beside Dean.

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