Blackmailing Love Pt2/Ambrollins

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The rain fell lightly, as the ambulance pulled into the hospital, driven by EMT Roman Reigns. He got out and went to the back doors opening them to reveal his best and partner EMT Dean Ambrose talking to their elderly, female patient. They took her out and brought her into the hospital, after talking to a Doctor and Nurse about her, they took her to a room and said their goodbyes, before they left.

After leaving the room, they decided to stock up their kits, while Roman did that, Dean changed the sheet on the stretcher. As he finished he leaned against the wall, he smiled at the Doctors and Nurses that passed him, talking to most of them. Both Dean and Roman are very popular with not only their fellow EMTs, but all the Doctors, Nurses and patients like them too. All the Nurses thought both men were gorgeous, and looked forward to them coming to the hospital. As Dean looked around, he began biting his nails; a bad habit he did whenever he was bored, stressed or thinking. Suddenly he stopped, frozen as he saw the one man he was hoping to avoid, Doctor Seth Rollins.

Dean and Seth were having a secret affair; they loved each other very much and snuck around with only Roman; who was best friends, more like a brother to Seth as well, knowing! The reason for the secret affair...Seth was engaged to another Doctor named Randy Orton; a self-centered, selfish, arrogant, powerful, abusive man. Orton was beloved in the community because of all the work he's done at the hospital. Everyone knew Seth and Randy were together, and only Seth, Dean and Roman knew the real Randy, and that if their affair ever got out Randy could and would ruin all three men's lives completely!

For the longest time only Roman knew of their affair, that all changed though when one of the many Nurses, who had a huge thing for the trio, named Nikki Bella found out! Nikki was tired of all three men always turning her down, so one night she followed Dean and found out about the affair. She confronted Dean, blackmailing him! She told Dean she wanted him, and if he wanted her to keep quiet he'd give her what she wanted; so to keep Seth and Roman safe he agreed! That had been two weeks ago, and all she's done since then was openly flirt with Dean, doing it more whenever Seth was around!

Dean hated her and hated having to play her game, but because he loved Seth he played along in front of people, but the second they were alone Dean became angry and would get in her face telling her off. Nikki of course didn't care, she knew she had won; she always got what she wanted and she wanted Dean!

Because of Nikki, Dean became more moodier than usual, he was angrier and he pulled away from Seth and Roman keeping to himself. Both Roman and Seth hated Nikki and what she was doing to Dean, and both made sure she knew it! They were worried about Dean, and tried talking to him about it, but he refused to back out of his arrangement with her, reminding them he was doing it to keep the three of them safe from Randy. His thoughts were interrupted by Roman joining him.

"Talk to him D!"

"Yeah, okay." Dean agreed sighing, as he began walking towards Seth who hadn't noticed him yet.

"Deanie!" Nikki's annoying voice rang out from behind him, he rolled his head pissed off that she had found him.

"What Nikki?" Dean asked.

"You look so sexy in your uniform!" She said loud enough Seth could hear, and he did.

"What do you want Nikki?" Dean asked, as he made eye contact with Seth, he had to play along though since not only was Seth there, but so were other people.

"I just wanted to see you! I haven't seen you all night!" She replied smiling, as she touched his chest.

"I gotta go Nikki, I'm working!" Dean replied, as he saw the hurt in Seth's eyes. "I'll see you later!"

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