My Immortal Pt7/Ambreigns

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Pain flooded his body, as Roman Reigns landed on the floor, after being thrown across the room and into the wall. As he lay on his back, fighting through the pain, he turned his head to the left and saw the two most important people in his life; his boyfriend Dean Ambrose and his and Dean's best and roommate Seth Rollins, as they tried to fight off the four people; two men and two women, who had broken in and attacked them.

Seeing them outnumbered, Roman got up and ignoring the pain and dizziness, he rushed back into the fight. They were still outnumbered, but it didn't matter, this was a battle for survival! Suddenly, one of the women grabbed Roman and holding him by his throat off the ground she began to squeeze, she was choking him, but he couldn't pry her hands off. Just as he began to lose consciousness, someone stabbed her from behind causing her to let him go, as she fell to the floor dead. Coughing and gasping for air he looked up to see Seth standing there, they shared a smile, before they heard Dean yell. Turning to face him they watched as he killed the other three people, before he turned to look at them, Roman stood with Seth's help. No one spoke for a few seconds, Dean grabbed all four bodies and still without saying anything, he walked out of the apartment carrying the bodies, Seth and Roman shared a sad look, before they hugged.

An hour later both Roman and Seth were showered and changed; their wounds from the battle taken care of, and the apartment cleaned up. Dean still wasn't back, Roman sighed, as he sat on the couch alone and began to think of his life with Dean and Seth.

Their life wasn't perfect, Dean was keeping a secret! It wasn't that he was cheating or married; that was something Roman would know how to deal with! Dean's secret is he's a centuries old vampire! Of course Roman didn't believe him at first, what sane person would? It was only after Dean proved it to him, that he finally believed him. It didn't bother or scare Roman off though, they loved each other, but it was their love that put Dean's life in danger! Being a vampire, Roman learned, came with a very strict set of rules handed down by the very first vamps, the biggest rule was that no vamp is allowed to fall in love with any mortal; if they did it resulted in instant death! Being who he is, Dean doesn't like following rules, vamp or mortal and when the elders found out about their love, Dean refused to give Roman up! He was sentenced to death, but escaped, staying on the run from the Vampire Bounty Hunters; sneaking to see Roman whenever he could. Months ago, after being injured in an ambush by Hunters, Dean had gone to Roman for help, but instead found Seth; who knew nothing about Dean. They talked and Seth nursed him back to health, they became like brothers and once he was healthy Dean left again; sneaking to see them when he could.

Then three months ago, Dean told them he had discovered a secret that the elders had been keeping from the other vamps. The secret spoke of one vamp, who was the only one strong enough to kill the elders; including their powerful leader Vassago, a vamp they called The Chosen One. Dean also discovered that he was the Chosen One and he planned on killing the elders so he could be free to live a normal life with Roman and Seth. Both had tried to talk him out of it, but he refused and left while they both were sleeping. Neither knew if he was alive, he had no contact with either of them and both were scared; especially Roman!

Two months ago, after being injured in another ambush by Hunters, Dean came to them. They took him to their apartment and realized he had been stabbed with a strange dagger; which was still in his side. He explained to them that for the last month he had been tracking down vamps that he knew could give him the information he needed on the elders. Once he found them, he'd torture them until they gave him what he needed, before he killed them. He had found another vamp named Cass and confronted her, but before he could take her, he was surrounded by four Hunters! Confused how they were able to sneak up on him he asked her, she told him that the elders had started using an Ancient magic that their kind hasn't used in centuries, to not only cloak the Hunters, but also give them special weapons guaranteed to stop Dean! She took off as the Hunters attacked, he managed to kill two of them, before he was stabbed by the dagger. Everything about the dagger and wound felt different than the last time he had been injured. Ignoring the pain, he fought back and killed the other two Hunters, before he went to Roman and Seth. Both men were Nurses and took care of Dean, taking turns watching over him for the next four days, while he was unconscious.

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