Love Hurts Pt5/Ambreigns

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 Dean Ambrose; one third of The Shield, paced the parking lot of the arena alone, grateful for the space from his best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

 Dean loved both his brothers and cherished every minute he had with them, but truthfully he was scared of Roman! Dean and Roman had dated for four years, they were so happy and in love, but then months ago Roman began to drink; at first it was only one or two after work, but it quickly got worse and he drank all the time. Dean and Seth were worried about him and tried talking to him about it, at first he refused to listen, but after a fight with Dean where he said hurtful things he apologized and promised Dean he'd quit drinking. He broke his promise and his drinking turned him into a monster towards Dean; he began to verbally and physically abuse Dean. Seth, hating what Roman had become would stand up to Roman all the time for Dean, telling Roman off, but still he refused to listen to either of his brothers! Then one night Roman attacked Dean, but thankfully Seth came to his rescue and after ending things between Roman and Dean, he moved Dean into his room. Roman tried to get him back, but Seth wouldn't let him anywhere near Dean, except when they were at work.

 Roman continued drinking and five months ago he met Dean alone in the parking lot of their hotel and convinced him to go for a drive with him to talk. Looking back on that night, Dean wished he had had the strength to say no! Roman accused Dean of sleeping with Seth, causing them to fight which ended with them going off the road and crashing into a tree. Roman wasn't seriously hurt, but Dean was and when he woke up in the hospital a couple of days later, with Seth by his side no one knew where Roman was. Over time Dean slowly healed from his physical injuries, but his emotional injuries to this day still haven't healed! Thankfully through it all he had Seth by his side, helping him through everything and he was so grateful to his brother.

 For two months after the accident no one knew where Roman was or even if he was okay! Both Dean and Seth were worried, they both missed and still loved him; especially Dean! They had no contact of any kind with him and Hunter had told everyone he was out with an injury. Finally a week ago Dean and Seth received a phone call from a Doctor Stone and were told that Roman had been in rehab this entire time and he had beaten his demons! Both Dean and Seth were so proud of him and went to see him, even though Roman still scared Dean it felt so good to see feel him again. They had spent the day with him, they talked and Roman apologized to both his brothers, they both accepted his apology, Dean told him he struggled to let go of the hurt and wasn't ready to take him back...he might never be. Roman accepted that, knowing he had caused too much damage for a simple apology to fix!

 Tonight was Roman's first night back to work; after being released from rehab earlier that day. Even though both his brothers were happy to have him back, Dean was still terrified to have Roman near him again! He tried to hide it from Seth, but they knew each other too well and he tried to help keep Dean calm. Dean tried, he really did to bury his fears knowing Roman was a different person now, but how do you let go of months of abuse and almost losing your life at the hands of the person you love? 10 minutes ago Dean was getting ready for their match; he was alone in the locker room Seth had gone to catering, when Roman came in. With Seth not there he was left alone with Roman, seeing him Dean froze, all his fears rushed back and Dean felt like he was going to pass out! Thankfully Seth returned causing Dean to instantly relax, but he needed to escape he lied about having to talk to Hunter and left.

 Dean stopped pacing and crouched down, leaning his back against the wall, as he chewed on his thumbnail, his mind racing. He never noticed Seth watching him, until he spoke gently to him.

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