Playing With A Lunatic's Heart Pt3/Ambrollins

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Seth Rollins paced nervously in front of the door to the locker room he shared with his two best friends...brothers and stablemates in The Shield Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. He had already changed into his gear for that nights Raw, so he decided to go for a walk to calm his nerves. As he walked around backstage he passed a monitor and hearing the familiar theme music of Randy Orton; a man he never liked, but now despised, he stopped. He watched as Randy made his way arrogantly to the ring like usual and clenched his fists to stop himself from putting them through the monitor! Seth hoped Randy's opponent Sheamus rearranged the Viper's smug face!

Seth despised Randy for one reason, he had something Seth wanted...Dean! Months ago Seth had Dean, they had been sleeping together; nothing serious or more than least it wasn't for Seth! Seth had no idea that Dean had fallen in love with him, until Dean confessed it to him, turning Seth's world completely upside down! He had been a selfish bastard and broke Dean's heart when he told Dean he didn't feel the same! Dean was so hurt and betrayed, feeling like Seth had just used him; and now that he thought about it Dean had been right! Dean ended not only their affair, but also their friendship too. Roman; who had been against their sleeping together from the beginning and told them how he felt, made sure Seth realized just how badly he hurt Dean!

Seth felt horrible and missed his brother, after a few days Dean somehow managed to forgive him enough to return to their friendship, nothing more. Seth was grateful for that and was content being Dean's friend again...until one night Seth found Dean talking alone to Randy in the hotel hallway.Seeing Randy close to Dean, openly flirting with him pissed Seth off, so he quickly broke it up, lying saying he needed to talk to Dean alone. Once they were in Seth's room, behind closed doors, Seth tried to seduce Dean and it worked until he said something out of jealousy about Dean and Randy and Dean realized he was still playing mind games! After telling Seth off and ending their friendship for good, Dean stormed out, Roman was in the hall and witnessed it. He almost ripped Seth apart again, but stopped when Seth finally confessed his love for Dean; not only to Roman, but also to himself!

Seth tried everyday after their fight to tell Dean how he felt, but Dean was too hurt to listen, even Roman tried, but nothing worked. Then six months ago Seth found himself alone with Dean in their locker room and he tried to tell him then, but they were interrupted by that snake in the grass Orton! Dean told Seth he was going on a date with Randy, and instead of telling Dean how he felt, he just stood there frozen, unable to say or do anything, but watch as Dean walked out of his life! That night he had talked to Roman and as much as it killed him to do he decided to let Dean go! He wanted him to be happy and if he was happy with Randy, then he'd let them be together.

Of course that didn't mean his heart wasn't broken or that it didn't ache as he watched Randy touch and love Dean, but he refused to be the cause of anymore pain for Dean! His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Dean and Roman's laughter as they joined him.

"Hey Two-Tones, we've been looking everywhere for you man! Our match is next!" Dean said smiling.

"Enjoying some Diva action Rollins?" Roman teased smiling, as he motioned to the monitor in front of them.

"Uh, yeah!" Seth quickly answered, when the hell had that happened, he didn't even realize Randy's match had ended.

"Let's go kick some Wyatt ass boys!" Dean said smiling, making all three laugh, before they walked to the spot where they would enter the ring from.

**Three Months Later**:

Seth walked through the arena, he was on his way back to The Shield's locker room after grabbing a quick bite to eat in catering with both his brothers. He went inside and found Randy sitting on a bench alone.

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