To Win A Lunatic's Heart Pt2/Ambreigns/Ambrollins

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Dean Ambrose stood at the bar counter, waiting for the three beers he ordered; as he waited he drank a couple whiskey shots to calm his nerves. He really didn't want to be here, he'd rather be back at his hotel room sleeping...hell, he'd rather be having all his teeth ripped out with rusty pliers than be here!

Yet here he was, getting wasted at some nameless bar, all because of two men; his best Roman Reigns and their former brother and Dean's ex-boyfriend, the two-toned sell out Seth Rollins! Dean downed another shot as he thought of the two men; Roman and Dean have known each other for years from their NXT days and from the moment they met they clicked! They became brothers quickly and it surprised Dean, because he had locked his heart away years earlier after being hurt too many times! It shocked Dean even more when they fell in love and began dating; Dean had never loved anyone before! They were together a year, before Dean broke up with Roman; believing it was for the best, since Dean had no freaking idea how to be someone's boyfriend. It was hard on both men, but they were able to go back to being brothers!

Then that slimy, two-toned traitor came into their lives, when they were still in NXT! He had been in NXT at the same time as Dean and Roman were, but neither man had had any interaction with Seth except for the odd match. It wasn't until he talked to them one night after a show and offered to buy them a drink. The three of them did and it wasn't long after the three started hanging out before Dean realized that like Roman, Seth had managed to break through his walls without even trying and he became best friends...brothers with both Dean and Roman. Not long after Dean realized for the second time in his life he had fallen in love...this time with Seth! And like it had with Roman, it scared the hell out of him! They became a couple after confessing their love to each other after The Shield's debut on Raw.

Of course that ended on June 2nd, 2014 when Seth not only stabbed his brothers in the back, but ended his relationship with Dean when he joined The Authority! After his betrayal, Dean and Roman grew closer; if that was even possible, and supported each other through everything! Even though they weren't back together...officially, Dean and Roman shared many kisses, cuddles, hand-holding and as of last month love making! Dean still loved Roman, and Roman made it clear he still loved and wanted Dean! There was one small problem though...Dean still loved Seth too!

Dean kept his love for Seth hidden under all the hurt, anger and hate he felt towards him! Dean had a lot of fun screwing with both Seth and the entire Authority with his partner in crime Roman! Tonight the three of them had been in a fatal 4-way match with Randy for Seth's WWE Championship. Dean was so looking forward to either himself or Roman winning the belt, taking it from Seth! As the match went on something painfully unexpected happened, surprising not only the WWE Universe, but the three of them as well! The Shield reunited...briefly, long enough to take out Orton! Afterwards when Seth put his fist out in their old salute, it took all of Dean's willpower not to join his fist with Seth's; he had looked to Roman for his strength!

In the end though, that little shit won the match and retained his precious title; the same title he had thrown his brothers away for! After the match Dean needed to clear his head and disappeared, telling no one where he was going; not even Roman! After finding an empty room, he went inside and locked the door so he could think. He had spent a half an hour replaying everything that had happened between the three of them. Finally he realized that even though he still loved Seth; probably always would, Seth didn't love him! Seth loved only himself and showed it over and over by hurting his former brothers! Roman though wasn't like Seth, he proved to Dean more every day how much he loved him! Tonight had been exactly what he needed to know it was Roman all along he was meant to be with!

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