Saving Him Pt6/Ambreigns

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 Roman Reigns sat in the driver's seat of his car, his best Seth Rollins sat beside him quietly in the passenger's seat. Both were lost in thought, as they watched the empty parking lot for any sign of their missing best and Roman's boyfriend Dean Ambrose.

 The three men have been like brothers since they met years earlier in elementary school, they clicked from the moment they all met. All their lives no one and nothing could come between them, but one man named Randy Orton came close! Randy came into their lives two, almost three years ago now, when he began dating Dean. Both Roman and Seth despised him knowing he was beating Dean and Randy despised both of them because they stood up to him and weren't afraid of him like everyone else was.

 They tried to get Dean to leave Randy, but he wouldn't; he even defended Randy to his brothers, hiding the abuse. Roman took Dean's abuse the hardest because he was in love with Dean; he has been for years! Only Seth knew and he begged Roman every day for him to tell Dean, but he couldn't. Until one day unable to stay quiet any longer, he finally told Dean and was so happy when Dean confessed back his love for Roman! Scared of Randy, but wanting to be together the three men decided to run away together. While Dean was at home packing, Randy found him and attacked him, Roman and Seth arrived and stopped him. Randy took off before the police arrived though, after talking to the police and getting Dean checked out the trio left town.

 While on the road Dean; with both his brothers help, love and support, slowly returned to his old self and both Roman and Seth were so proud of him! All  it took though was one phone call from Randy to destroy all of Dean's hard work, turning him back into the scared, little boy Randy had made him! It killed Roman and Seth to see that and knowing Randy was capable of anything they secretly bought a gun for protection; hiding it from Dean. A week ago, after they returned to their hotel room from running errands, Randy burst into their room, he had come for Dean, Roman and Seth stood in front of their brother and refused to let Randy take him. Roman had gone for their gun, but Randy stopped him, he had already been in their room and found it! When they refused again to let Randy have Dean, Randy shot Seth once, before he took off with Dean. Seth told Roman to go after them, but he was too late they took off in Randy's car. Roman returned to Seth and called 911, he had been shot in his shoulder; it was a clean shot with no major damage, just stitches and a sling.

 Days passed with no contact from Dean, both Roman and Seth were scared shitless, both felt like they had let him down...they had failed him. Then last night Roman received an email from Dean telling them that Randy would be out of town for two days and Dean would be going to his office to pick up papers for him at 1pm the next day, but he would be with two of Randy's men. He told them to leave a phone for him in the bushes out front of the building and he'd use it to contact them when he could. They had gone to the building earlier that morning and put the phone in the bushes, before they parked behind some trees and sat waiting for him to arrive. Both needed to know Dean was okay, even if they couldn't talk to him yet. Roman's thoughts were interrupted by a black car pulling into the parking lot.

**With Dean**:

 Dean sat nervously in the backseat, as the car he was in pulled into the parking lot of Randy's office. He hoped his brothers had gotten his email and had left the phone for him. He got out and began walking towards the door, a bodyguard on either side of him. As they neared the doors, Dean looked in the bushes and saw the phone. Needing an excuse to grab the phone, without making his guards suspicious, he did the only thing he could think of and tripped landing next to the phone. He quickly grabbed it and hid it in his boot, before his guards helped him up and after asking if he was okay they went inside the building. They went to Randy's office and Dean quickly found the briefcase Randy had sent him to collect. They then left and got back into the car to return to the house. Once back at the house they saw Randy putting his bags into the trunk of his car, Dean got out and went to him, Randy smiled as he took the briefcase from him and put it into the trunk too, before shutting it.

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