Gone Pt4/Ambrollins

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 Dean Ambrose sat in his parked car, gripping the wheel with both hands so tight his knuckles were white, as he starred at the bar in front of him. Inside was the man he had been searching months for, the man who had destroyed his life, the man Dean was going to destroy!

 Dean had had the perfect life, a life he shared with the two most important people to him, his boyfriend of three years Seth Rollins and their best friend...brother Roman Reigns. The three of them had met years earlier, when they were at the Police Academy together training to become Police Officers. Even though they were complete opposites, the three of them clicked instantly the moment they met and in a short time became inseparable! All three were hard workers and after only a couple of years on the force, they tried out for the SWAT team together and all three made it! They continued working hard; forming their three man group calling themselves The Shield and seven years later they were the best on the force!

 Dean and Roman's lives were destroyed three months ago, when while on a routine call; a bank robbery/hostage situation, one they've done dozens of times, Seth was shot and killed by one of the robbers. The killer escaped and Seth died in Dean's arms, holding Roman's hand; when he died a piece of both his brothers died with him. Dean changed after Seth's died; he became a zombie going through the motions of life, without actually living. As time passed Dean began taking stupid risks at work, risks he never would have taken before Seth died; which didn't go unnoticed by their Captain, causing him to be suspended. Dean also withdrew from life...from Roman, whenever Roman tried talking to him about it, he always refused; even getting angry with him when he wouldn't quit.

 Dean became obsessed with finding the son-of-a-bitch who took Seth from them; knowing the only way he'd be able to move on was to kill the bastard! Dean had used all his contacts as an Officer to gather info and pictures of the piece of shit, which now covered an entire wall in his office; he wasn't proud of himself over the way he had gotten some of the info, but he justified it by lying to himself claiming it was for justice, not revenge! He knew Seth would be angry and disappointed in him for not only obsessing over his killer, but for shutting Roman out too, but Dean just couldn't let it go! Tonight Roman had found him starring at the pictures and info of the bastard and once again tried to get Dean to stop, but he refused to listen and told Roman to leave. Before Roman left he had made Dean a promise that he would stop Dean from killing the guy if he had too and Dean knew Roman meant it. After his brother left, Dean received a phone call from his CI telling him the prick was at the Red Rooster Bar. Dean ordered his CI to keep the guy there for him and after grabbing his gun he got into his car and drove to the bar.

 Remembering what the son-of-a-bitch had taken from him, made Dean's anger stronger! He reached into the glove-box and took out his gun, he put it in the waistband of his jeans, pulling his shirt over it to keep it hidden. He then got out of the car and went into the busy bar, he sat at the bar counter and ordered a beer from the bartender; who was also his CI. Once his beer arrived, his CI nodded towards a booth where the guy Dean was after sat by himself drinking. Dean needed to be sure it was the guy, so he waited until he saw the man get up and head for the bathroom, before he quickly followed without making it obvious. Dean went into the bathroom and saw the guy at the sinks, so he headed for the stalls and looked at the guy...it was him! He went into a stall and shut the door before he sat down trying to keep himself from attacking the guy right now.

 As soon as the man left, Dean came out of the stall and quickly left the bathroom, he looked around, but didn't see the guy anywhere! He rushed to the bar and his CI told him the guy had just left, worried he'd lose him, Dean quickly took out his wallet and threw money onto the bar in payment to the CI, before he took off after the guy. As he got outside he spotted the guy getting into his car, smiling Dean rushed to his own car and got in. He watched and waited for the guy to pull out of the parking lot, before he followed. As they drove the guy suddenly began acting weird, he began driving crazy, Dean was confused there was no way the guy could know he was being followed; Dean knew how to stay invisible when tailing someone! Suddenly Dean realized the guy was on the phone and he knew that his CI had double crossed him and had warned the bastard about him. As Dean continued following the guy, his cell went off, he ignored it knowing it was Roman; it was always Roman.

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