My Immortal Pt3/Ambreigns

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The sun began to rise, as Dean Ambrose ran across the roof tops of the city, trying to lose the two people chasing him. They had been chasing him for over an hour now, and no matter what he did he couldn't lose them; he had to admit they were good...but he was better! He ran towards the end of the roof, and noticed there was a large gap between the roof he was on and the next; too large for any person to jump, but he didn't slow down or stop! Instead he smiled as he ran faster and waited until the very last second before he jumped! He flew through the air and landed on his feet on the roof of the other building. As soon as his he landed he pulled a large knife out of his jacket. In one, quick movement he had the knife out, turned around, and stabbed both men as they were still in the air killing them both before they knew what was happening.

Once both were dead, Dean put his knife away and still smiling, jumped to the ground; again landing on his feet, before he began walking away. As Dean walked he began to think of why he was being chased. Dean wasn't your average guy...hell he wasn't even mortal! Dean was a centuries old vampire and being a vamp came with a very strict set of rules that were written and forced onto vamps by the Vampire Elders! Every vamp had to follow them or face severe consequences, the biggest and most important rule was that no vamp was to date or fall in love with mortals; breaking this rule resulted in death if caught! Dean was a rebel, he lived how he wanted, and didn't like following rules of any kind vamp or mortal! Which is why he had fallen in love with a mortal man named Roman Reigns! Their love had been discovered by the elders and he was ordered to end the relationship or be killed, Dean refused and before he could be killed he escaped!

So, Dean lived his life on the run, killing any Vampire Bounty Hunters who come after him sent by the elders and sneaking to see Roman whenever he could keeping Roman safe; sometimes disappearing for weeks at a time! Five months ago Dean had been ambushed by hunters and seriously injured, but he managed to escape! He went to see Roman after he was hurt, but instead he found Roman's best and roommate Seth Rollins! Seth took care of Dean, he found out about Dean being a vampire and their forbbiden love. When Dean woke after being unconscious for three days, Roman was with him and he told Dean everything Seth had done for him; including calling Roman! Dean was grateful to Seth and they became best friends...brothers too as he continued to live on the run keeping Roman and now Seth safe!

During the times he was away from his family, Dean decided to find out from other vamps he ran into how much the elders knew about the relationship between him, Roman and Seth! After learning from each one that all the elders knew was that Dean loved two mortals and nothing else he killed the vamps! Knowing that the elders knew nothing about them made Dean very happy, it helped his plan to kill the elders that much more easier! Now Dean wasn't your average vampire, he was a special vamp; the only one who could kill the elders, he was the Chosen One! After learning this just before he met Roman, Dean decided to go after the elders, and he wouldn't stop until he had killed them all and he was finally able to live free with the ones he loved!

**The Next Day**:

Roman sat looking out the living room window as early evening fell, he hasn't seen or heard from Dean in two weeks and even though he knows Dean can take care of himself, he still worried every time Dean left him! Having Seth know about Dean helped Roman stay calm, and even though Seth tried to keep Roman strong, he knew that Seth was just as worried as he was whenever Dean left them!

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