Saving Him Pt8/Ambreigns

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 Roman Reigns lay on his couch on his back, starring at the ceiling, as he thought about his life and how screwed up it was, along with the lives of the two most important people in his life his two best friends...brothers Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose.

 The three men have been like brothers since they met in elementary school, they clicked from the moment they met. All their lives no one and nothing could come between them, but one man named Randy Orton came close! Randy came into their lives two, almost three years ago now, when he started dating Dean. Both Roman and Seth despised him knowing he was beating Dean and Randy despised both of them too because they weren't afraid of him like everyone else was.

 They tried to get Dean to leave Randy, but he wouldn't; he even defended Randy to his brothers, hiding the abuse. Finally one day on the way home from lunch, Roman confessed his love for Dean; he had been in love with him for years. Hearing that Dean confessed his love for Roman too, scared of Randy, but wanting to be together the three of them decided to run away together. While Dean was at home packing, Randy found him and attacked him, but Roman and Seth arrived and saved him. Randy took off before the police arrived though and after talking to the police and getting Dean checked out at the hospital, they left town.

 While on the road Dean; with his brothers love and support, slowly returned to his old self, both Roman and Seth so proud of him. All it took though was one phone call from Randy to ruin all of Dean's hard work, turning him back into the scared, little boy Randy had made him! It killed Roman and Seth to see that and knowing Randy was capable of anything, they secretly bought a gun for protection; hiding it from Dean. Then three months ago, after returning to their room from running errands, Randy burst into their room he had come for Dean, but Roman and Seth refused to let him take him! Roman had gone for their gun, but Randy stopped him, he had already found it! When they refused again, Randy shot Seth once, before he grabbed Dean and took off with him. Roman went after them, but he was too late they were gone, he returned to Seth and called 911. Seth was shot in the shoulder, it was a clean shot no major damage, just stitches and a sling.

 Days passed with no contact from Dean, both Roman and Seth were scared shitless and both felt like they had let him down...they failed him. Then two months ago, Roman received an email from Dean telling them Randy was going out of town for two days and Dean would be going to Randy's office to pick a briefcase up for him, but he'd be with two of Randy's men. He told his brothers to leave a phone in the bushes out front for him and he'd contact them as soon as he could. They did and later that evening Dean called and told them to stay away from the house, Randy's men were guarding him and were told to kill Roman and Seth if they came near the house or Dean.

 The next day Dean called them again and told them that one of Randy's men Dolph Ziggler, were going to help them. At first Roman and Seth didn't know if they could trust him, but quickly realized he was on their side, but both men also realized that Dolph had secret feelings for Dean and were worried about that. Dolph was going to help Dean escape and then kill Randy himself, making it look like a robbery gone bad. The day Roman and Seth were supposed to meet with Dolph to finalize their plan, Randy showed up instead, he knew everything and had both Dean and Dolph on lockdown now! After Randy left Dolph called them, telling them Randy didn't know about the phone and to be ready to go ahead with their plan on his call. He was supposed to have called back in an hour, but it was now a month later and they still haven't heard from them since Randy found out and they were beyond scared. His thoughts were interrupted by Seth coming into the room with coffee for them, he put them on the table as he sat in a chair across from him, Roman sat up.

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