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The police station was busier than normal, typical for a Saturday night. Officer Roman Reigns sighed, as he sat down in the break room to enjoy his coffee between calls. His two best friends...brothers and partners Officers Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose; who was also Roman's boyfriend, were on their way to join him. The trio have been best friends for years, doing everything; including joining the force together. They had come up through the force together and not long after joining they teamed up and became The Shield; they were unstoppable, known as the best and normally worked with only each other, but lead multiple teams if needed.

Dean and Roman had begun dating; with Seth's full love and support, a month before they joined the police academy. Their love has been going strong for eight years now and they couldn't be happier. His thoughts were interrupted by Dean and Seth coming into the room, Dean telling Seth a joke, causing both men to laugh, as they sat down.

"Hey guys!" Roman greeted them smiling, as he gave them the coffees he had gotten for them.

"Hey Ro! D, just told me this hilarious joke! Has he told it to you yet?" Seth asked smiling.

"The one about the old man and his dog?" Roman asked smiling.

"Yep!" Dean replied, taking a drink of his coffee.

"He told me this morning, jerk almost made me choke on my damn breakfast with it!" Roman said, as he nudged Dean gently, all three laughing.

"Shield, we got a call about a robbery in progress! You're needed boys!" An Officer said, as he rushed into the room.

"We're on it, let's go boys!" Dean said, as they quickly stood and left the room.

**Days Later**:

Roman stood in a room at the station, starring at a wall where a large map of the city was. The map held marks of where bombs had been set off by an unknown person, there had been five so far and each one had been bigger than the last. The Shield had been put on the case from the first bomb and so far they had no leads, despite the bomber's taunts to them through the press.

It had been two weeks now since the last bomb and this was the longest the guy has ever gone between bombs and that worried the trio. So far none of the bombs have seriously injured or killed anyone, but all three knew it was only a matter of time. Dean and Seth were talking to their Captain about their progress.

"Well, that was awesome!" Dean said sarcastically, as they returned to the room.

"Captain Stone not happy?" Roman asked smiling.

"Dean and I just had our asses chewed up for the last half hour! Thanks a lot prick for leaving us to take the fall by the way!" Seth said sighing, as they joined him at the wall.

"This son-of-a-bitch is good!" Dean said angrily, as they starred at the map. "But we're better! There has to be something we're missing!"

"Like what D? We've..." Seth began frustrated, but his phone ringing cut him off.

Confused he took it out and looked at it, while Dean and Roman talked about the case. Not recognizing the number he answered it, as his attention was on the case.

"Officer Rollins? Hang on, let me put you on speaker! Go ahead!"

"If it isn't my three favorite stooges! Hello boys!" The male voice, all three knew spoke.

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