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 Flashing red and blue lights lit up the night sky, as police surrounded the outside of a seemingly abandoned house. Inside three; very skilled men, who specialized in situations like this made their way quietly through the house.

 After checking and clearing the ground floor, the three SWAT Officers made their way upstairs, searching for their targets. As they began to look in rooms, Officer Roman Reigns found who they were looking for and signaled to his partners Officers Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. The three men executed their recovery plan and within minutes had successfully; and without anyone getting hurt, arrested the two men they were after and saved the terrified, young woman they had kidnapped! 

 When they were finished at the scene, the three men headed back to the station. As they went inside they were congratulated by their fellow Officers on another job done well. Their shift was over and the trio were looking forward to the next two days off, after working non-stop for the last month. Seth went to the locker room to change, while Dean and Roman stopped to talk to some of their co-workers. A few minutes later Seth was just finishing getting changed, when he saw a picture on his locker door of himself, Dean and Roman together from their last vacation, he smiled. The three men have been working together for seven years, but have been friends even longer! The trio met on their first day of Police Academy, and even though they were complete opposites they all clicked the minute they met and in a short time became best friends...brothers! The trio were hard workers and in only a couple of years on the force, all three tried out for the SWAT team and all three made it. They all continued working hard and quickly became three of the best SWAT members on the force! They worked with other Officers, but always together as a team, they called their three man unit The Shield!

 Three years ago, Dean and Seth realized their feelings for each other had grown into love and with Roman's full support they became a couple. Life for the trio was perfect both personally and professionally and all three were so happy! Seth's thoughts were interrupted by Dean and Roman coming into the room, laughing at something Roman had said.

 "Took you guys long enough!" Seth teased, as Dean kissed him.

 "We would have been here sooner, but Ro just had to tell everyone about our latest arrest!" Dean replied smiling, as they began to change. 

 "What? Oh, no Ambrose! You're the one who told them every little damn thing about the call! Not me!" Roman corrected him, as they laughed.

 "Hurry up and change! I don't know about you two, but I need a drink!" Seth said smiling.

**A Month Later**:

 Seth smiled, as he finished cleaning up after dinner with Roman's help, while Dean found them a movie to watch. As they went to go into the living room Roman's cell rang, he answered it. It was work, the trio were needed to lead a team on a bank robbery/hostage call. While Roman got the details, Seth went to let Dean know, as he walked into the living room he found Dean asleep sitting up on the couch. Seth smiled lovingly at his boyfriend, hating to have to wake him knowing how tired all three were thanks to their never ending work...sometimes it really sucked being the best!

 "Dean, baby!" Seth said gently, as he tapped his leg. "You gotta get up babe!"

 "No! Too tired, just leave me here and..."

 "I can't babe, we just got called into work! We got another call!" Seth said gently, as he rubbed Dean's arm.

 "Of course we do!" Dean replied waking up. "Where's Ro?" He asked, as he stood and stretched trying to wake up, before Seth hugged him. 

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