Loving Him/Ambreigns

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Dean Ambrose; the WWE's resident Lunatic Fringe, and one third of The Shield, paced the locker room he shared with his two best friends...brothers and stablemates Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Dean was alone in their locker room, Seth and Roman were at catering and he was grateful for the time alone, he needed to figure out his feelings and he couldn't do that around his brothers. Why? Because his feelings had changed, became...complicated, simply put he was in love for the first time ever in his life! And that's what made his feelings complicated, that and the person he fell in love with...Roman! Of course he told no one, including Seth and Roman, afraid if Roman found out and didn't feel the same Dean could lose him forever and that was something Dean couldn't handle! Dean wasn't afraid of anyone or anything...until now which meant Dean needed to find a way to get his feelings under control before he said or did something that gave him away!

Meanwhile as Seth and Roman were in catering eating, Seth decided to finally get Roman to confess his love for Dean! He had figured it out after he noticed the way Roman acted whenever Dean was around.

"Ro, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure Seth!" Roman answered smiling.

"Okay...here goes! Rome, I...I know you're in love with Dean!"

"What?" Roman asked, choking on his food.

"Roman, don't freak out! It's okay, I'm fine with it, I swear! All I want to know is why you haven't told Dean you love him?"

"I haven't told him because I'm afraid of being rejected if he doesn't feel the same! I could ruin our friendship and I couldn't take it if I lost him completely!" Roman answered sadly.

"Come on Ro, Dean's not like that and you know it!" Seth said trying to reassure his brother.

"I know, but I...I can't take that chance!"

"At least think about it?" Seth asked smiling.

"Okay Seth, I'll think about it!" Roman agreed smiling.

Later that night after Raw, while Roman was out with his cousins, Seth decided to confront Dean and hopefully get Dean to confess his love.

"Hey Two-Tones, shower's all yours man!" Dean said, as he came out of their hotel bathroom.

"D, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, what's up?" Dean asked sitting beside Seth on the couch.

"I...I know you're in love with Roman!"

"You what?" Dean asked nervously.

"Dean, it's okay really! I'm fine with it, I swear! All I want to know is why you haven't told Ro?"

"Seth, I don't want to lose him! If I told him how I feel and he doesn't love me back I could ruin our friendship! I can't lose him completely Seth!" Dean answered sadly.

"Dean, you know Rome's not like that!"

"I know, but it's not worth the risk!"

"At least think about it?"

"Alright Seth, I'll think about it!"

**Two Weeks Later**:

Seth was frustrated, neither of his brothers had confessed, he knew they'd be perfect together! But he promised both he'd say nothing, so he tried to convince them to do it instead! One night before Smackdown, Dean was running late so Roman talked to Seth.

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