The Rancher's Son/Ambreigns

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 Roman Reigns rolled over in his bed and opened his eyes smiling. He lay on his side looking out the window and sighed happily, he was back home on his parents ranch in the country and he couldn't be happier! He always loved being here; his childhood home, surrounded by nature and the people he loved.

 Roman grew up on the ranch, the only child to his extremely rich and powerful parents, who he was very close too. Growing up and even to this day, despite being born into wealth, Roman never used his family's money or power to get what he wanted in life! He was a hard worker and did things his own way; if you didn't know who he was you'd never know he was rich! Roman knew everyone who worked at the ranch over the years, but had become best friends...brothers with only one man named Seth Rollins; who had worked for the Reigns family for a few years now.

 Roman had returned to the ranch late yesterday afternoon, after being gone for three years due to work and his crazy life. He had dropped everything though and returned to the ranch, after his mother called him and told him that his father had fallen ill. After arriving at the ranch yesterday, he had spent the rest of the day and night being with his parents. Today though, he planned on having Seth take him around the ranch to see all the new changes to the place and meet all the new ranch hands. Damn it was good to be home!


 Dean Ambrose; one of the Reigns family's newest ranch hand, began unloading the bales of hay off his truck and into the barn. Dean really didn't know much about working on a ranch and had been totally honest with the family about it, but he was a damn hard worker and a quick learner and they gave him a chance. He really didn't fit in with the other ranch hands, except for Seth; he had taken Dean under his wing and showed him what he had to do and in no time the two men had become best friends...brothers. Dean loved his job and the Reigns family were honest, nice, fair people, who treated their workers very well, like family. His thoughts were interrupted by Seth coming into the barn with a man he had never met before, but knew he was Roman Reigns; the bosses only child. He may not have met him yet, but Dean had heard all about him from Seth, the other ranch hands and of course Roman's parents and he was nothing like Dean expected him to be. He was tall, muscular, with long black hair and a tribal tattoo on his arm; he looked like some Greek God or something! Not wanting to get caught starring at the bosses son, he quickly got back to work.

 Meanwhile, Roman was impressed with all the new changes to the ranch, but more importantly he was having fun catching up in person with his old friend; instead of through a phone or computer. Their last stop was the barn to see the three new horses, but as Roman looked around his eyes landed on someone more interesting than horses! The man was obviously one of the new ranch hands his father had hired, Roman couldn't take his eyes off the man. He was tall, muscular, and wore a cowboy hat, jeans and a white tank top; all of it showed off his incredible body, as he unloaded bales of hay off a truck. Roman didn't realize he was still starring, until Seth spoke bringing him back to reality.

 "That's Dean Ambrose, been here two years now. Nice guy and a damn hard worker; works twice as hard as a lot of the guys here!" Seth said smiling. "He and I are best friends actually, we just clicked you know; like you and I did."

 "Really? You and him huh?" Roman said smirking.

 "What? You don't think I have other friends besides you Reigns?" Seth asked still smiling.

 "Uh, nope! Seth, you've been here what...eight years and you've never made nice with any of the other guys...besides me! So, what's the deal with you and Ambrose huh? You got a thing for him?" Roman teased.

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