My Immortal Pt4/Ambreigns

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The morning sun finished rising in the clear sky, as a scream echoed through the quiet forest, before silence fell once more. Dean Ambrose smiled at the now dead body that lay at his feet on the ground, he had enjoyed killing the young man and the information he had learned from him was exactly what he needed to get him closer to getting his revenge!

After burying the body, Dean sat down by the fire he had made earlier and began to think of his life and how he had gotten to where he was now. Dean wasn't your average person, no he was more than that...he was a centuries old Vampire! All his life Dean rebelled; he lived his life how he wanted and didn't like following any kind of rules, Vamp or mortal! Of course that caused him a lot of trouble over the years, but he didn't care, he was afraid of nothing and no one! Being a Vamp though, came with a very strict set of rules to live by; they were put into place by the very first Vamps centuries earlier. The most important rule though was that no Vamp was to fall in love with a mortal; not following this rule resulted in instant death if caught! Dean met and fell in love with a mortal man named Roman Reigns, it was the first time in his life he had ever fallen in love and he wouldn't give him up, even if that meant dying for love!

The elders found out and after Dean refused to end things with Roman, he was sentenced to death, but he managed to escape! He lived life on the run, sneaking to see Roman whenever he could; sometimes going weeks without seeing him, as he hid from the Vampire Bounty Hunters. It wasn't a great life, but it was working, until one day he had been ambushed by Hunters and even though he killed them, he had been severely injured in the fight. He went to Roman, but instead of finding him he found Roman's best and roommate Seth Rollins. Seth told Dean that he had had an argument with Roman and he moved out. Seth noticed Dean's injury and since he worked at a hospital he took care of Dean and learned the truth about him and their love.

When Dean woke three days later, Roman was there and after thanking Seth and spending time with them; becoming friends with Seth, Dean left again. Dean knew the only way the three of them would ever be free, was if he killed the elders; especially their leader a powerful Vamp named Vassago. He returned to Roman and Seth and told them his plan; including the part about how he learned the only Vamp strong enough to kill the elders was one they called the Chosen One and how he had discovered that he was that Vamp! Both Roman and Seth scared of losing Dean tried to talk him out of it and thought they had convinced him to let them help him figure out another way. They were wrong, once they both had fallen asleep Dean left to hunt down the elders!

That had been three weeks ago, during his hunt Dean tracked Vamps he knew could give him the information he needed to kill the elders. Once he found the Vamps he took them, tortured them until he had what he needed, then he'd kill them and move on, dodging Hunters as he went! He missed his brother and his Samoan Prince, but knew he had to do this if he wanted to live a free life with them!

**With Seth And Roman**:

Roman sat on the couch starring out the window, silently begging Dean to come home. It had been three, long, fearful weeks since he and Seth had woken to find Dean gone! Despite the anger both men felt towards Dean for leaving after he promised to let them help, both were afraid Dean would be killed! Neither knew how to contact Dean, all they could do was wait for him to return to them and hope he was okay. Roman was barely keeping it together and was grateful he had Seth, he was the only thing helping Roman stay strong; even though he knew Seth was as scared as he was!

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