Liquid Courage/Ambrollins

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The dimly lit bar was nearly deserted, the air was thick with cigarette smoke and the stentch of stale cigarettes, alcohol and unfullfilled dreams. The perfect place for Dean Ambrose to drown his sorrows; Dean was a creature of habit and all his life he would turn to alcohol to fix his problems, alcohol was his true best friend! It didn't judge and most importantly it never left him!

He sat at a table alone, he was slouched in his seat, both elbows on the table, a half empty glass of whiskey in front of him. He ran his hands over his face, as he once again tried to sort through the chaos in his head. Normally Dean loved the constant, non-stop chaos in his head, couldn't live without it! For the last year though Dean began to really hate it, all because the chaos revolved around one man! A man he knew as well as he knew himself, a man he considered a brother, a man he was in love with! The man was one of his best friends and stablements in The Shield Seth Rollins!

Dean had always loved Seth, as much as he loved their other stablemate and brother Roman Reigns. That all changed though a year ago when he found himself in love with Seth! Of course he had tried denying it to himself, Dean Ambrose didn't fall in love; lust yes, love no! Dean had never been in love before, being hurt too many times in his past he had closed off his heart years ago, keeping it hidden behind walls. Then a Two-Toned ninja came along and smashed through the walls, bringing Dean to his knees!

Being in love was new and completely terrifying to Dean, you'd think he'd be happy right? Wrong! He was beyond miserable, he kept his love secret, telling no one, especially Seth! He was afraid he'd lose Seth completely if he didn't feel the same as Dean! So, Dean suffered in silence, drinking his nights away alone, until he was so drunk he couldn't remember his own name!

Usually Dean stayed in his hotel room drinking, but when he shared a room with Seth or Roman, he would go out to a nearby bar and drink himself stupid! That's how Dean ended up in this piece of shit bar, he was sharing a room with Seth tonight; so he needed to get completely shit-faced! The only problem with going out to drink, was that Dean wasn't good at handling his liquer; which always got him into trouble! Dean had lost count of how many drinks he's had, he knew he was drunk, but not completely wasted!

An hour later, unable to accomplish his goal, Dean got angry and he acted out causing a scene! Tired of his crap the bouncers; who had already warned Dean about it, threw him out. Dean, being Dean didn't go quietly; he fought and yelled the entire way out. Once alone outside, Dean sat on a bench and rubbed his hands over his face, suddenly he heard Seth calling his name. Being drunk Dean thought Seth's voice was in his head again!

"Why won't you leave me alone!" Dean said upset, as he grabbed his head in frustration.

"I can't because you're my brother!" Seth answered, touching Dean's shoulder.

"S...Seth? What...what are you doing here?" Dean asked, as he stood quickly causing him to stumble.

"I came here with Dolph and Cesaro for a few drinks." Seth answered, as he caught Dean before he fell. "I saw you sitting here alone. Are you okay D?"

"I'm good, just a little drunk!" Dean answered smiling, as he pulled away. "I'll just call Ro to come get me!"

"You can't he's working out and you know he leaves his phone at his room." Seth explained. "I'll take you back D, just let me go tell the guys!" Seth said smiling, walking away before Dean could say no.

"Dammit!" Dean said angrily to himself.

15 minutes later Dean and Seth arrived back at the hotel, as they got out of the car, Dean's stomach turned and he barely managed to move away from Seth before he threw up. When he was finished Seth helped him to their room, the whole way there Dean sang. Seth laughed and reminded Dean to keep quiet it was late. Once they were finally in their room Dean began making his way to his bed. When he reached it he flopped onto it face first and fully dressed. Seth joined him and smiling at him spoke, as he pulled him to his feet.

"Up you get Ambrose, we need to get you changed first!" Seth said.

"Why? I wanna sleep Sethie!" Dean whined like a child.

"You can't sleep in that, it'll only take a second if you co-operate Ambrose!"

"Fine!" Dean gave in, as Seth got Dean shorts to change into.

What should have been a quick and easy change, turned into a 10 minute fight. Dean fought Seth every step of the way, frustrated Seth sighed and gave up as he spoke.

"Wow dude, I thought you were stubborn sober, you're worse drunk!"

"I'm sorry Sethie! Don't be mad please?" Dean said sadly, as he tried to take his shirt off, but got stuck, Seth smiling helped him get it off. "See, I'm helping!"

"Yeah, yeah let's get this over with Ambrose!" Seth said smiling, just as Dean stumbled again, Seth grabbed him, but they ended up falling onto the bed, Seth on top of Dean.

Neither spoke or moved at first, they just starred into each others eyes. Seth went to speak, but Dean beat him to it.

"I love you, I'm in love with you!" Dean said shocking Seth, but before he could say or do anything Dean kissed him.

As soon as the kiss ended Seth got up quickly and looked at the floor, he was so confused. He had only looked away from Dean for a second, and when he looked back Dean was passed out, his feet hanging off the bed. Smiling Seth took Dean's shoes off, before he put his legs on the bed and covered him up. He then kissed Dean's head, before he changed and went to sleep in his own bed.

The next morning Dean woke up feeling like shit, his head pounded and he was naseous; awesome another hangover!

"Morning." Seth's voice broke through the pounding in his head.

"Uh...morning." Dean replied, avoiding looking at Seth, as he remembered everything about the night before.

"Here, these will help." Seth said gently, as he handed Dean a glass of water and two pain killers.

"Thanks." Dean mumbled, as he took them.

"Dean, we need to talk." Seth said, as Dean took the pills and put the water on the nightstand.

"About what?" Dean asked still avoiding eye contact.

"About what you said to me." Seth answered.

"I'd rather forget about it!" Dean said, as he laid his head against the headboard and covered his face with his hands.

"Dean, I just want to know one thing."

"What?" Dean asked, his face still covered.

"Did you mean what you said?" Seth asked quietly.

"I did." Dean answered quietly.

Without saying a word Seth got onto Dean's lap, one leg on either side of him. Smiling he pulled Dean's hands away from his face, before he kissed him passionately. When the kiss ended Seth kept their foreheads together as he spoke.

"Took you long enough Ambrose!" Seth said starring into his eyes.

"Does...does this mean you..."

"Love you too?" Seth asked smiling cutting him off, Dean nodded. "Does this answer your question?" He asked before he kissed him again.

"I didn't quite undstand that, maybe we should do that again?" Dean said smirking.

"We have the rest of our lives to make out! Right now we need to get you feeling better!" Seth said smiling, as he kissed Dean, before he got up. "Get some..."

"You're not going anywhere!" Dean said smiling cutting Seth off, as he grabbed Seth's arm and pulled him back onto the bed. "If I'm stuck in bed, so are you!" Dean said smiling, as he laid down, pulling Seth to him.

"I love you Dean!" Seth said smiling, as he kissed him.

"I love you too baby boy!" Dean replied, his eyes closed. "Now go to sleep, I'm exhausted!"


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