The Bosses Son/Ambreigns

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 Roman Reigns sighed, as he sat at his desk, looking over the papers he had put together over the last week for his presentation at work. Tomorrow he was doing the final presentation to his boss, hoping to get the promotion he so badly wanted! He looked up, as the door to his office opened and his best, roommate and co-worker Seth Rollins came in smiling.

 "Hey Ro!" Seth greeted him, as he sat in a chair across from Roman.

 "Hey Seth!"

 "How's the presentation coming dude?" Seth asked.

 "Just finished, I really think I'm going to ace this!" Roman said proudly. "You should have went for it too man, you really helped out and..."

 "Rome, we've been through this before." Seth said sighing. "I'm good where I' am, I don't want a promotion dude, that's your thing. You've worked your ass for this company, it's about time they give you a promotion!"

 "Yeah, maybe you're right?"

 "I know I' am and to prove it I'll take you to lunch to celebrate!"

 "I haven't got the promotion yet." Roman replied smiling.

 "Yeah, well I already know you will! So, let's go big man." Seth said smiling too.

**The Next Day**:

 Roman sat at the bar drinking his third beer, trying to drown his miseries! Earlier that day, minutes before his presentation, their boss; Thomas Ford, had called a meeting of the entire office and announced that his son would finally be joining the company. Which meant no promotion for Roman, as his son would be filling the open position. After work knowing how upset Roman was, Seth took him out for drinks.

 Roman had been working at the Ad Agency for years along with Seth. Working his ass off and his one chance at finally getting to the top was crushed, because the bosses son decided to join his father's company and ruin Roman's life! His thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting next to him, the man spoke to the bartender in the sexiest, gravelly voice Roman had ever heard! Needing to know who the voice belonged to, he looked up. His heart beat fast, as he looked into the blue eyes of the most gorgeous man he had ever seen!

 "Do I know you?" The man asked smiling, showing off his dimples.

 "What? No, I...I don't think so, why?" Roman answered stuttering.

 "I didn't think so either. Trust me, I'd remember someone as gorgeous as you!" The man said, causing Roman to look away blushing. "I'm Dean Ambrose and you are?"

 "Roman Reigns."

 "So, Roman Reigns, what brings a guy like you to a place like this? I've never seen you here before and I'm here a lot!"

 "First time here actually. My best friend Seth brought me here, so I can drown my miseries in cheap beer!"

 "Ah, it's either work or women!" Dean said smiling, as he drank his beer.

 "Excuse me?" Roman asked confused.

 "When a guy needs to drown his miseries, it's normally because of two things." Dean explained.

 "Work or relationships." Roman added smiling.


 "Well, mine's work." Roman replied sighing. "Seth and I work together and I've been working my ass off for years to get promoted. Finally my chance happened, but today our asshole boss tells us no one's getting the promotion because his son; who has never had anything to do with the company, is taking the position!"

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