Gone Pt2/Ambrollins

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 Dean Ambrose lay on his couch, starring at the ceiling, lost in thought. His phone began ringing, but he ignored it not wanting to talk to anyone. Finally it stopped, he sighed shakily trying not to cry again. He heard the front door unlock and open, he still didn't move, seconds later his best friend...brother Roman Reigns came into the room.

 "Dean, why didn't you answer your phone?" Roman asked gently, as he sat on the coffee table in front of him.

 "I was sleeping." Dean answered, still starring at the ceiling.

 "Bullshit! Dean, this isn't healthy man. Talk to me please!"

 "I'm fine Ro, I promise." Dean replied sighing, as he rubbed his hands over his face.

 "Fine, I'll drop it for now D, but this isn't over!" Roman replied, as he patted Dean on the leg. "I brought dinner...don't even try giving me some tired excuse either Ambrose! You're eating, so get your stubborn ass up!"

 "Okay mom, I'm coming! I'll be in the kitchen in a minute!" Dean replied smiling, as he sat up.

 Roman smiling got up and went into the kitchen, Dean smiled as he watched him go. Dean stood up to follow, but stopped when he saw a picture on the wall of himself, Roman and their best friend...brother and Dean's boyfriend Seth Rollins. The picture was taken the night the three men had been accepted onto the SWAT team together. The trio have been best friends...brothers since they met years earlier on their first day of Police Academy! They were complete opposites, but they clicked from the moment they met and in a very short time became inseparable! The three were hard-workers and after only a couple of years on the force they tried out for the SWAT team and all three made it! They continued working hard and seven years later the trio; who were known as The Shield, were the best on the force! Three years ago, Dean and Seth fell in love and with the full support of Roman, they became a couple!

 Life was perfect for the trio, until one night a month ago their world crumbled at their feet! It started with a normal call for the trio and their team; a bank robbery/hostage call, one they've done dozens of times. Dean had had a bad feeling about the call though from the beginning and told his brothers, but after talking they managed to push aside their fear and do their job. They managed to rescue all, but one hostage and arrest all the robbers; except for their leader who was with the last hostage. As they went after them, the robber surprised them and shot Seth three times! Seth died in Dean's arms, holding Roman's hand and with him died a piece of both his brothers!

 Dean was pulled out of his memories by Roman's voice calling to him from the kitchen. He quickly wiped his tears away and took a deep breath, before he joined Roman in the kitchen.

**A Week Later**:

 Roman stood in the doorway of the locker room at work, silently watching Dean; who had been sitting on the bench lost in thought, since their shift started 10 minutes ago. Roman was worried about Dean, ever since Seth's death he's been like a zombie; going through the motions, but not living! Roman took Seth's death just as hard and he was barely able to function, but Dean...was different, he withdrew from life...Roman and it scared him! He was barely surviving now, if anything happened to Dean too, then he'd completely lose his mind! He had given up trying to talk to Dean about it, he never got anything out of it, other than Dean getting angry at him! So, he decided to wait for Dean to come to him. Roman went to say something to him, but was cut off when their phones went off; they had a call to do!

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