Playing With A Lunatic's Heart Pt5/Ambrollins

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 Dean Ambrose, put his earphones in and turned his music up as loud as it would go, before he taped up his hands. Once he was done, he began hitting the punching bag, trying to distract himself from the chaos in his head. Each punch to the bag was harder than the last, as he thought about his life and how screwed up it was!

 All of his confusion and pain started months ago, when his stupid ass fell in love for the first time in his life! Being in love scared the hell out of him, what made it worse was who he had fallen in love with, his best and Shield stablemate Seth Rollins! They had been sleeping together for six months, despite the fact that their best and Shield stablemate Roman Reigns didn't approve of their relationship from the beginning and made sure both his brothers knew it! Things were perfect, until Dean's heart decided to betray him and let him fall in love with Seth!

 When Dean told Seth about his love everything fell apart! Seth broke Dean's heart when he told Dean that he didn't feel the same! Realizing he had been used Dean broke off not only their relationship, but their friendship too! Days later thanks to Roman's help, Dean managed to let go of his anger and fix things with Seth. Until days later Seth; after seeing Dean talking alone with Randy, became jealous and seduced Dean! Dean truly believed Seth finally loved him too, but his heart was broken again when he discovered he didn't! So, finally having enough of Seth's head-games he ended things again with Seth! He was so tired of being alone, so when Randy asked him out he agreed; not expecting anything serious or for it to last and believing this would help him get over Seth! Dean and Randy dated for a few months, but Dean's heart wasn't in the never was, it still belonged to Seth! Dean wasn't an idiot, he had known from the beginning that Randy had been cheating on him, but he stayed, not wanting to be alone anymore!

 Then five months ago, Seth confessed his love to Dean causing his already screwed up head to get even worse! Despite his not knowing if he could trust Seth, Dean broke up with Randy later that same night. He also talked to Seth and even though they loved each other, Dean needed to be alone for awhile to figure out what he wanted and told Seth. They fixed their friendship though and Dean thought he finally had time to breathe and give his heart time to heal...he was wrong! Three months ago Randy began trying to win Dean back, it all started when Randy tried to kiss him at the gym, but Dean had told him to stay away from him. Of course the bastard didn't listen and even went as far as putting himself in a storyline at work against The Shield just be close to Dean! If that wasn't bad enough, the same night they learned of Randy's scheme, Seth kissed Dean! His life was spinning out of control and there wasn't a damn thing he could do to stop it! 

 His thoughts were interrupted by someone touching his shoulder scaring him, Dean turned around swinging, thankfully Roman ducked and Dean missed hitting him, Dean quickly took off his earphones and spoke.

 "Shit Ro, I'm sorry man! You scared me!" Dean apologized.

 "It's okay D, you missed!" Roman replied smiling, as he patted Dean on the back. "You should really pick on someone your own size man!" He added smiling, as he motioned towards the punching bag.

 "I needed to think!" Dean said sighing, as he began taking the tape off his hands.

 "You okay D?" Roman asked gently, he hated seeing Dean hurting.

 "Honestly?" Dean asked sighing again.

 "That would be nice for a me from having to force it out of your stubborn ass!" Roman teased smiling, as he nudged Dean gently.

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