Blackmailing Love Pt5/Ambrollins

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 The snow fell lightly, as EMT Roman Reigns drove to the police station. He was on his way to support his best and partner EMT Dean Ambrose; who had been falsely arrested because of an asshole.

 This whole mess started when for the first time in Dean's life he fell in love and unfortunately it was with a man who was already engaged! The man was not only a Doctor at the hospital, but also a man both Dean and Roman considered a brother Doctor Seth Rollins. The problem wasn't that Seth didn't love him back, he did; more than Seth's ever loved anyone before, including his fiancée.

 The problem was Seth's powerful, selfish, abusive fiancée Doctor Randy Orton; a man who could and would destroy all three men if he ever found out about Dean and Seth's love! For months Dean and Seth snuck around to be together, with only Roman knowing about it at first. That changed though when one of the Nurses at the hospital Nikki Bella; who had a huge thing for Dean, found out about their affair and blackmailed Dean into being with her to keep their secret safe and to protect the three of them Dean agreed. She took full advantage of her new power over Dean and constantly rubbed it in Seth and Roman's faces. Thankfully for Dean's sake all they had done so far was make out, even though it pissed Nikki off, she wanted more! Both Seth and Roman hated what this was doing to Dean; he was moodier than usual and was pulling away from both of them, they tried talking to him, but he refused to back out!

 Tonight Nikki tired of playing games and knowing it was Dean and Roman's night off, went to Dean's house to finally collect on his end of the deal. Once again though her plans were ruined when Roman called to tell him they had been called into work. She had been pissed when she left, but neither man cared or gave her a second thought. She went to Randy though and told him everything, pissed that he had turned her down again! Randy confronted Dean outside the hospital about it, starting a fist fight, Roman broke it up and with people watching Randy played the victim saying Dean attacked him! Dean and Roman left and went to the EMT station, where after Roman helped clean Dean up, they were confronted by their Captain and two Officers. Dean was arrested for Randy's attack and their Captain told Roman to go to the station and keep Dean quiet until their union lawyer got there.

 Roman's thoughts were interrupted when he arrived at the station and after parking he went inside, once inside he went to the front desk and spoke to the Officer.

 "I need to speak to Officers Jones and Fields!" Roman said.

 "They're busy booking in a new prisoner, if you give me your name I'll..."

 "Roman." A male voice spoke from behind him, cutting the Officer off, Roman turned to face him.

 "Where's Dean?" Roman asked quickly.

 "He's fine, he's been booked and is waiting in an interview room for his lawyer." Jones answered.

 "I want to talk to him!" Roman demanded.

 "Sorry Roman, we can't let you." Fields stated, as he joined them.

 "What? Why? Come on, you guys know Dean, you know he wouldn't do this! Dammit, I was there, Orton attacked Dean first!"

 "Roman, you can't talk to Dean,'re under arrest for the attack on Mr. Orton too." Fields explained.

 "Are you serious?" Roman said in shock.

 "What's going on here?" A male voice spoke from behind them.

 "Who are you?" Jones asked the middle aged man, as he joined them.

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