Guardian Angel Pt2/Ambreigns

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 Dean Ambrose paced the quiet hotel room, as he watched his boyfriend Roman Reigns and their best Seth Rollins as they slept peacefully.

 "You two really need to get your heads back in the game! You got your asses handed to you again tonight by the freaking New Day of all people!" Dean scolded them loudly.

 Of course neither man moved or even heard him, to them Dean wasn't even there! Dean wasn't a ghost, no Dean was an Angel...his brothers Guardian Angel to be exact! Dean had died six months earlier in a car accident; after he had driven home drunk. When he woke up after his crash, he had been alone, surrounded by nothing, but a bright, white light and he was uninjured. He met a beautiful woman named Ava, who told him he had died and was in Heaven; he truly believed she was pranking him at first, until after a lot of convincing he knew she was telling the truth. He was still confused how he ended up in Heaven after all he's done in his life, but she made him realize that underneath his sins he really was a good person, who had been given a horrible life.

 He had spent the first four months of his new life doing nothing, but watching his brothers live without him. Two months ago Ava came to him and told him he was being given his first assignment; he was now a Guardian Angel, he refused in the beginning, until she told him his guides were both Seth and Roman! He tried to get out of it, not knowing anything about how to guide them, but she sent him to Earth anyway. Watching his brothers in Heaven had been hard enough for Dean, but being back with them, seeing how lost and broken they were without him; especially Roman, who had changed completely since he died, was a 1000 times harder!

 He had been back with them for two months now and was slowly getting the hang of being their Guardian Angel; he had no handbook on how to guide them, so he did whatever felt right to him. Of course even being an Angel didn't change Dean, he still talked and acted like he had when he was alive. Tonight he had been ringside with his brothers like usual, but no matter what he said or did to both of them, neither listened to him and they lost. This was the second time this week they had ignored him and he was beyond frustrated. Needing some expert advice Dean decided to go talk to Ava about it, the only problem was he had no idea how to get back to Heaven! So, he decided to do what he does to get to different places on Earth and close his eyes and think of where he wanted to go.

 Seconds later he opened his eyes and smiled, proud of himself as he looked around and saw he was back in Heaven again. Now he just had to find Ava, he had never been anywhere in Heaven, except for his own little part of it, so he had no clue where to start looking.

 "Hello Dean!"

 "Holy S..."

 "Holy Spirit?" Ava said smiling, as she cut Dean off.

 "Yep, holy Spirit was exactly what I was going to say!" Dean lied smiling. "I was just about to look for you, how the hel..."

 "Language Dean!" Ava scolded, cutting Dean off again.

 "Sorry Ava, old habits are hard to break!" Dean apologized quickly, embarrassed.

 "So Dean, what can I help you with?"

 "How did..."

 "Angel remember?" She said smiling, once again cutting him off.

 "Right, still new to this whole Angel thing! Anyway, my brothers are being a little..." Dean trailed off, unsure how to say it without getting into trouble by cursing.

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