Playing With A Lunatic's Heart Pt6/Ambrollins

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 The night was warm, as Dean Ambrose sat in his backyard, watching the stars while he thought about how screwed up his life was! 

 Sadly, Dean was used to his life being one big heartbreak, beginning with his horrible childhood. His life changed for the better though, when he met two men Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, who without trying broke through the walls he had built around his heart and became not only his Shield stablemates, but his best, his brothers too. 

 Months ago Dean's life changed again...this time for the worst, when he started sleeping with Seth; despite Roman's disapproval of it from the start. Everything turned to shit when for the first time ever in his life Dean fell in love and it was with Seth! He told Seth how he felt and had his heart broken when Seth told him he didn't feel the same. Feeling like he had been used Dean broke off their relationship and friendship! Dean eventually; thanks to Roman, let go of his hurt and anger and fixed things with Seth. Their reunion didn't last long though, when a jealous Seth tried to seduce Dean, he thought Seth finally felt like he did, but had his heart broken again when he learned the truth and he broke off their friendship a second time! 

 Not long after their fight, Randy asked Dean out and he accepted; he never believed it would last long. They dated a few months, Dean knew Randy had never been faithful to him and Dean's heart wasn't in the relationship it still belonged to Seth; but Dean stayed with Randy because to him it was better than being alone! Then one night Seth confessed his love for Dean, making him even more confused than ever; not knowing if he was telling him the truth or not Dean still broke up with Randy. Later that same night Dean talked to Seth and even though they loved each other, Dean told Seth he needed to stay single for awhile to think, Seth was okay with it and they fixed their friendship.

 As time passed Randy tried to win Dean back, doing whatever he could to do it, Dean made it clear to him he wanted nothing to do with him, but Randy refused to give up. Then a week ago Dean's world fell apart when one night after work he received a video on his phone of Seth and Roman laughing, as Seth talked about not really loving Dean and how much fun it was screwing with Dean's head! Angry and betrayed he confronted them both about it, they tried to deny it, putting the blame on Randy, but Dean knew the truth! He broke off their friendship, got time off work and went home to Vegas! Then two days ago Randy showed up at his house to check on him, Dean let him in and they talked, Randy apologized for everything, begging Dean to take him back. Dean agreed to take him back if he could prove he's changed, Randy was so happy and kissed him. They ended up making out, but were interrupted by someone knocking on the door, Dean answered it to find Seth and Roman standing there. After begging him to talk to them, his former brothers tried to convince him that the video was a fake. Randy interrupted them and sent Dean into the living room, while he got rid of them, when they were gone Randy returned to find him crying. Randy said nothing as he took him in his arms holding him tight, before he took Dean upstairs where they lay together until Dean fell asleep.

 Dean sighed, as he rubbed his hands over his face; he was tired, confused and his heart ached. He had no idea what Randy had said to Seth and Roman the night they showed up at his door, truthfully he didn't care! Even though Dean had made it clear to his former brothers he wanted nothing to do with either of them, except for work, they both still called and texted him constantly; of course he never answered or called back or replied to any of their texts. Tomorrow Dean and Randy would be going back to work and Dean was nervous to see them again after what happened. At least he had Randy to help him through this; since agreeing to take him back, Randy spent every moment of every day doing things to prove he deserved a second chance, treating Dean like a King!

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