Opposites Attract Pt3/Ambrollins

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 Seth Rollins sat on the couch in his living room, the TV on, but he wasn't paying attention to it. Instead his mind was playing another dirty fantasy involving himself and his roommate Dean Ambrose! The fantasies happened a lot during the day and at night he'd dream of Dean; it was beginning to drive Seth crazy!

 Seth had met Dean through their mutual best friend...brother Roman Reigns. Seth and Roman have been best friends since elementary school and Dean's been best friends with Roman for four years now; meeting him at work, both were mechanics at the best garage in town. Even though Roman was like a brother to both men and they knew about each other, they had never met before. They became roommates because of Roman, when Dean needed a place to live and Seth needed a new roommate.

 Seth's perfectly neat and very organized life was turned upside down by Dean and his chaotic way of life! All of Seth's life he's been an uptight, overthinker, who had to have order and neatness in every aspect of his life; from his apperance, his house, to his job as a bank manager and everything in between, or he wasn't happy! Roman knew about it and loved to tease him, even giving him the nickname Coneat Freak; which was neat freak and control freak put together, years ago. Dean was Seth's complete opposite in every way! He was loud, messy, always acting first without thinking, he said and did whatever he wanted not giving a damn what others thought or said about him.

 Ever since Dean moved in Seth found himself very attracted to him, but told no one; including Roman. He tried to play it cool, but Dean would constantly do things to tease him; like walk around without a shirt on, or purposely sit close to Seth on the couch so their bodies would touch. Dean and his incredible body; not to forget Dean's adorable dimples Seth loved so much, were slowly driving Seth insane! It's been two months since he moved in and Seth was regretting agreeing to it!

 "Hey Two-Tones, I'm going for a run before dinner. You wanna join me?" Dean asked, breaking into Seth's thoughts.

 "Uh, no thanks. I'm really tired." Seth answered quickly, as he looked at him and swallowed hard realizing that Dean wasn't wearing a shirt.

 "Okay, I'll be back in an hour." Dean said smiling, before he turned and left.

**A Week Later**:

 Dean sighed, as he walked in the front door, Roman had given him a ride home his car was back at the garage not running again! He knew Seth was still at work for another couple of hours and was grateful for the quiet after the shit day he had just had. He locked the door behind him and headed to his room, he needed to relax so he decided to have a shower. Going into his room he smiled, it was a mess like usual; a huge difference to the rest of the house and he knew it drove Seth crazy!

 As Dean began to strip down to his boxers, he thought of Seth and smiled. Sure the guy was high strung and completely annoying about things being kept neat, but he was a nice guy and he was pretty hot! Dean knew Seth had a thing for him, that's why he constantly did those things he does to torment Seth! Truthfully, Dean was attracted to Seth too, but he'd never act on his feelings, Seth was too high maintenance for him. After getting new clothes Dean went to the bathroom and had a nice, long shower. As he did he thought of new ways he could torment Seth, he'd never make a move on him, but it was fun to tease him!

 Meanwhile, Seth pulled into the driveway, he didn't see Dean's car so he figured he was still at work. Seth usually came home an hour after Dean, but today he couldn't concentrate after not getting a good night's sleep the night before thanks to the constant dirty dreams he kept having of Dean! Since the moment he met Dean, it was like a non-stop porno played in Seth's head with himself and Dean as the stars! Tonight he planned on taking a couple of sleeping pills, that way he wouldn't dream.

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