Saving Him Pt5/Ambreigns

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 Roman Reigns paced the hospital waiting room nervously, as he waited for any news on his best Seth Rollins. Roman stopped pacing and starred out the window into the night and sighed shakily, trying not to cry again. He wasn't just scared about Seth, he was scared for their now missing best and Roman's boyfriend Dean Ambrose!

 Roman, Dean and Seth have been like brothers since they met in elementary school, they clicked from the moment they met! All their lives nothing could come between them, but one man named Randy Orton came close! Randy came into their lives two years ago when he began dating Dean; both Roman and Seth despised him knowing he was abusing their brother. Randy despised both of them, because unlike everyone else they weren't afraid of him!

 They tried to get Dean to leave Randy, but he wouldn't, defending Randy to his brothers, hiding the abuse! Roman took Dean's abuse the hardest because he had been in love with Dean for years, and only Seth knew about it and he'd beg Roman everyday to tell Dean, but he couldn't! Until one day, unable to stay quiet any longer he confessed his love to Dean and was so happy when Dean returned his love! Scared of Randy, but wanting to be together, the three men decided to run away together. While Dean was at home packing, Randy returned and found him, he attacked Dean, but thankfully Roman and Seth arrived and saved him! Randy took off before the police arrived though and after telling the police everything and getting Dean checked out at the hospital, the trio left town like they had planned.

 While on the road with both his brothers love and support, Dean slowly healed and returned to his old self, both his brothers so damn proud of him! Then a week ago, one phone call from Randy was all it took to destroy everything Dean had worked so hard to accomplish; causing him to return to the scared, little boy he once was! It killed Roman and Seth to see that and knowing Randy was capable of anything they bought a gun for protection; hiding it from Dean. Tonight they had returned from running errands and had just sat down to relax, when Randy burst into their room! He had come for Dean, but Roman and Seth refused to let Randy take him! Roman had gone for their gun, but Randy stopped him...he had already found it! When they refused again Randy shot Seth once, before he grabbed Dean and took off! Roman went to check on Seth, but he told Roman to go after Dean instead, he raced after them, but was too late they drove away in Randy's car, Roman returned to Seth and called 911.

 Roman's thoughts were interrupted by someone coming into the room, he quickly wiped his tears away, before he turned to face them.

 "Seth?" Roman said happy to know he was okay. 

 "Hey Ro." Seth replied quietly, his arm bandaged and in a sling, Roman hugged him.

 "Are...are you okay?" Roman asked when the hug ended.

 "Uh...yeah, or I will be in a few days. Bullet went in and out of my shoulder clean, so I have stitches and I'm in a sling for a few days, but I'll be fine." Seth explained. "Ro, he...he has Dean! What are we going to do?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

 "I...I don't know Seth, but I do know we will find him!" Roman answered, before he hugged him again.

**With Dean**:

 Dean lay on the hotel bed in the dark, his right arm handcuffed to the bed, he lay there crying silently, while Randy slept peacefully beside him. Dean was scared that he had just watched Randy kill his brother, he had no idea if Seth was alive or not, Randy had taken him right after he shot Seth! After leaving they had driven around for awhile, Randy had called his private pilot, but was told they couldn't leave town until tomorrow. So, pissed off Randy found them a hotel for the night, as soon as they were inside Randy handcuffed Dean to the bed. Once he was unable to escape Randy began hitting him; punishing him for leaving. When he was finished Randy forced himself on Dean, thankfully it was over quickly and Randy had gone to sleep soon after. Now that he was alone Dean cried, he had never felt so helpless and alone in his entire life! Randy rolled over to face him and Dean's heart began beating faster as he realized Randy was awake.

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