Saving Him Pt7/Ambreigns

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Dean Ambrose paced his bedroom nervously, as he bit his nails. He glanced at the clock, it was getting late and he still hadn't heard from his friend Dolph Ziggler. As he paced, he began to think of his life and how he had gotten to this moment.

Dean's life used to be perfect and he shared it with the two most important people in his life his best friends...brothers Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns; Roman was also Dean's boyfriend. The three men have been like brothers since they met years earlier in elementary school, they clicked from the moment they met. All their lives nothing and no one could come between them, but one man named Randy Orton, came close! Randy came into their lives three years ago, when he began dating Dean. Both Seth and Roman despised Randy knowing he was beating Dean, and Randy despised both of them because they weren't afraid of him like everyone else was.

They tried to get him to leave Randy, but he wouldn't; he even defended Randy to his brothers, hiding the abuse. One day on the way home from lunch, Roman told Dean he was in love with him; he had been for years. Hearing that Dean confessed his love for Roman too, scared of Randy, but wanting to be together the trio decided to run away together. While Dean was at home packing, Randy found and attacked him, but Roman and Seth arrived and saved him. Randy took off before the police arrived and after talking to the police and getting checked out at the hospital they left town like they planned.

While on the road Dean; with his brother's love and support, slowly returned to his old self, both Roman and Seth so proud of him! All it took though was one phone call from Randy to ruin all of Dean's hard work, turning him back into the scared, little boy Randy had made him! Knowing Randy was capable of anything, Roman and Seth secretly bought a gun, keeping it from him both knowing how much he hated guns. Then three weeks ago, after they returned to their room from running errands, Randy burst into the room, he had come for him, but Roman and Seth refused to let him! Roman went for their gun, but Randy stopped him, he had already found it! When they refused again Randy shot Seth once, before he grabbed Dean and took off with him.

After leaving, Randy took Dean back home, Dean was so scared he had just watched Randy kill his brother! The abuse continued, worse than before and as punishment for leaving Randy made sure Dean had no way to contact his brothers and had his men guard Dean and the house 24 hours a day. Then two days ago, while Randy was packing to go away on business, Dean used Randy's laptop without him knowing and sent his brothers an email; telling them about Randy going away and how he was going to Randy's office to pick up a briefcase for him and instructed them to hide a phone in the bushes for him.

When he got to the office with Dolph and another guard, Dean managed to get the phone and later that evening after Randy left he went into the bathroom and called his brothers. He was so relieved to find out Seth was alive; the bullet hit him in his shoulder, but he'd be fine. His brothers wanted to come rescue him, but Dean told them to stay away, Randy's men were told to kill Roman and Seth if they saw them. After hanging up Dean was confronted by Dolph, he had seen Dean grab the phone and told him he was going to not only help Dean escape, but he was personally going to kill Randy, making it look like a robbery gone wrong.

Dolph had left an hour ago to talk to Roman and Seth, letting them know about their plan, he was supposed to have been only an hour, but he had been gone three now and Dean was getting worried. His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, he stopped pacing and spoke.

"Dolph, where..." Dean began, but trailed off when he saw Randy! "R...Randy?"

"Why were you expecting Dolph?" Randy asked.

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