Playing With A Lunatic's Heart Pt7/Ambrollins

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 Seth Rollins paced nervously inside the locker room he shared with his two best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Roman was changing into his ring gear, while Dean was in the bathroom. As they waited for Dean, Seth let his mind wander over everything that's happened between the three of them over the last few months and how because of Seth their future was uncertain!

 It all started months ago when Seth and Dean; despite Roman's disapproval of it from the start, began sleeping together. It was only sex...or it was to him anyway. Seth had no idea that Dean had fallen in love with him, until one night he confessed his love and Seth being the idiot he was told Dean he didn't feel the same; breaking Dean's fragile heart! Dean ended everything between him and Seth, leaving them nothing more than business partners. Seth was devastated, but thankfully days later thanks to Roman, Dean forgave him and their friendship only was restored.

 Seth was fine with that, he really was, until days later he saw Dean talking alone with Randy in the hotel hallway and he got jealous. He asked to talk to Dean alone and once behind closed doors, he seduced Dean! Once again Seth screwed up, when Dean realized Seth wasn't doing this because he loved him too, and he ended things between them. After he left Seth talked to Roman and finally realized that he did love Dean! Unfortunately, Seth discovered that too late when he learned that Dean was dating Randy, so Seth made Roman keep his love for their brother a secret. He owed Dean a chance to be happy after all the pain he caused him.

 For months Seth had to watch as Randy lied and cheated on Dean, until one night after confronting Seth in front of Dean, Randy got him to confess his love. Dean was furious and after telling Seth off he stormed out with Randy, leaving him alone. Later that night Seth ran into Dean and they talked, he told Seth he broke up with Randy and that even though they loved each other he needed to stay single for awhile to figure out who is and what he wanted. They were able to fix their friendship though and Seth was grateful for that at least.

 Time passed and Randy refused to let Dean go, doing whatever he could to try and win him back; Dean wanted nothing to do with him and made it perfectly clear to Randy! Things between them were going well, until one night after work someone sent Dean a fake video of Seth and Roman talking and laughing about how they were lying about loving Dean. Hurt and betrayed he confronted them about it, they knew Randy was behind it, but Dean wouldn't listen and ended things for good between the three of them.

 Dean left that night for Vegas, Seth and Roman were both devastated and two days later they went to Vegas to talk to him. When they got there they were shocked to see Randy with Dean and they learned that they were working on getting back together. They left broken hearted and Seth truly thought he had lost Dean for good. As the days passed Dean was cold and distant to both men, reminding them they were only business partners now. Then tonight they had returned to their locker room and overheard Dean and Randy talking. Randy was trying to convince Dean to leave The Shield, but Dean was unsure. When Randy left he ran into them and they confronted him, he still denied having anything to do with the video and left. Roman tried to reassure Seth that Dean wouldn't break up The Shield, but in his heart Seth knew they had already lost him. His thoughts were interrupted by Dean coming back into the room.

 "You guys ready? It's almost match time." Dean asked.

 "Dean, can...can we talk to you about something?" Roman questioned.

 "About what?"

 "Dean, we um...overheard your conversation with Randy." Seth said nervously.


 "And we were hoping you'd tell us that your answer is no!"

 "Why would I tell you that Roman?" Dean asked, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

 "Dean, you can't seriously be thinking of breaking up The Shield? The three of us built this together man, we're a..."

 "Don't finish that sentence Roman!" Dean said angrily, cutting Roman off. "We're not a family, we never were dammit! You two just used me, you lied to me all these years, while behind my fucking back you two were laughing at me! I love...loved both of you bastards, I was so stupid to believe anything either of you ever said!" Dean yelled angrily, tears in his eyes.

 "Dean, we do love you! That video was fake dammit, you have to believe us!" Seth begged.

 "Even caught you pricks can't admit it to me!" Dean stated, shaking his head. "I haven't decided yet if I'm leaving, afterall The Shield is a part of me! I told Randy I'd think about it and I will, when I decide all of you will know!" Dean said, before he walked out.

 "Ro, what are we going to do? We could lose him because of that son-of-a-bitch!" Seth said upset, as his tears fell silently.

 "We still have time Seth. You heard him, he hasn't decided anything yet."

 "How Roman? How can we prove that everything Orton has ever said and done was a lie?"

 "With my help!" A male voice spoke from behind them, both turned to look at them.

 "Dolph?" Seth asked surprised, as he quickly wiped his tears away.

 "Wait, what do you mean you can help?" Roman demanded.

 "I can prove the video is a fake!"

 "You bastard!" Roman said angrily, as he went to Dolph and grabbing him by the front of his shirt he slammed him into the wall. "You're helping Orton?"

 "Was helping! Look, I know I'm the last person you two think you can trust, but please let me help!"

 "Because of you we lost Dean! Why the hell would we listen to anything you have to say?" Seth demanded angrily.

 "I never thought this would happen." Dolph stated sadly.

 "What the hell did you think would happen?" Roman asked.

 "I mean, I never thought it would go this far. I'm so sorry, I really am, that's why I'm here!" Dolph answered.

 "Let him go." Seth said, believing him.

 "What? Seth, you..."

 "I believe him." Seth said gently, cutting Roman off.

 "You do?" Roman and Dolph said together, Seth nodded.

 "Fine, but you better be able to fix this Dolph, or I'm going to hurt you...badly!" Roman warned, as he let him go.

 "How can you fix this?" Seth asked.

 "I still have all the texts from Randy and all the footage I used to make the video. If we show all of it to Dean, then he'll have to believe that you two were telling the truth!" Dolph explained.

 "Good idea, only one problem." Roman said.

 "What?" Dolph asked.

 "Dean won't talk to us!" Roman said sighing.

 "Oh yeah...leave it to me!" Dolph said smiling. "He isn't mad at me!"

 " you think it'll work?" Seth asked.

 "It has to, it's not like Randy's going to confess the truth to Dean! It won't be easy, but with the three of us there's no way Dean can deny the truth! I'll start tonight after the show."

 "Thanks Dolph." Roman said smiling sadly.

 "It's the least I can do, after I helped cause this mess. I really am sorry." Dolph replied sadly, before he left.

 Once they were alone, Roman and Seth looked at each other sadly, neither wanted to get their hopes up that Dolph could fix this. At least now though since this all started they had chance at saving their little family and that was better than giving up!


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