Guardian Angel Pt3/Ambreigns

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 Dean Ambrose stood ringside as he watched his boyfriend Roman Reigns and their best Seth Rollins take out their opponents The New Day. During the match he touched both of his brothers on their arms, giving them advice.

 Of course neither knew he was there, no one did, to them he wasn't really there. Dean wasn't a ghost, but he was dead, he was now an Angel...his brother's Guardian Angel to be exact! Dean had died eight months ago in a car accident; after he had driven home drunk. When he woke after the accident, he had no memory of the crash, he had been uninjured and was alone, surrounded by a bright, white light. He met a beautiful woman named Ava, who told him he was dead and in Heaven, he truly believed she was pranking him, but after a lot of convincing he finally accepted the truth.

 For the first four months of his new life, he had done nothing, but watch his brothers live their lives without him. Then four months ago Ava came to him and told him he was given his first assignment, he was now a Guardian Angel! At first he refused, until she told him his guides were both Roman and Seth. He tried to get out of it, not knowing anything about how to guide them, but he was sent back to Earth anyway! Being back with his brothers was hard on him, seeing how lost and broken they were without him; especially Roman.

 He had been with them now for four months and he was slowly getting the hang of being their Guardian Angel; he had no handbook on how to guide them, so he did whatever felt right to him. of course being an Angel didn't change Dean, he still acted and talked exactly like he had when he was alive; which sometimes got him into trouble, especially his language! Two months ago, frustrated and upset that both his brothers refused to listen to him and wouldn't stop being so lost, he had returned to Heaven and spoke with Ava about it. At first she refused to help, but Dean finally convinced her and she told him about Dream Travel; the only way he could see, touch and talk to his brothers again, as if he were alive! He trained hard with her and soon got the hang of it and with strict instructions not to tell his brothers who he really was, he entered their dreams. It felt so damn good to be back with them, to hold them again; especially Roman. He never wanted to leave, but knew he had to so, he talked to them and made them promise to let him go and start living again. When they woke, both knew Dean had been right and they began to return to their old selves; living their lives for Dean too! His thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing and The Shield's music playing, his brothers had won again and he couldn't have been prouder!

**A Week Later**:

 Dean smiled as he watched his brothers talk, after they had changed into their ring gear for Smackdown, when he suddenly heard Ava call his name from behind him.

 "Ava? What are you doing here?" He greeted her smiling, before they hugged.

 "Well, I haven't seen you since your training and I thought I'd come see if it worked like you hoped?"

 "It did, my brothers are back and kicking as..."

 "Dean!" Ava scolded smiling.

 "Kicking butt!" Dean corrected himself smiling. "I know, I know language!"

 "You're catching on!" She said smiling. "How have you been since you travelled?"

 "It took me a couple of days to get back to full strength after, but I'm fine now." Dean answered.

 "I know how hard it was for you to have to leave them again Dean. That's one of the reasons I didn't want you to do it in the first place! Why you can never do it again." Ava said gently.

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