Opposites Attract Pt2/Ambrollins

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 Seth Rollins sat at his kitchen table having his second cup of coffee before work. As he did he listened to his new roommate Dean Ambrose, as he sang loudly in the shower. Seth smiled, he did that a lot lately when he thought of Dean, of course he told no one; especially Dean about it!

 He had met Dean thorough their mutual best friend...brother Roman Reigns. Seth has known Roman since they were in elementary school and Dean has known Roman for four years; even though Roman was like a brother to both men and they knew about each other, they had never met one another! It was only because Dean needed a place to live and Seth needed a roommate, that Roman; for some reason only known to him, thought it would be a good idea for them to meet and become roommates. Dean had shown up at Seth's door with his stuff and that was the beginning of their new life.

 Seth's perfectly neat and very organized life had been turned upside down by Dean's different way of life! All Seth's life he was an uptight, over thinker who had to have order in every part of his life; from his house, job as a bank manager, to his appearance and everything in between, or he wasn't happy! Roman loved to tease him about it and years ago came up with the nickname Coneat Freak for him; which was control freak and neat freak put together. Dean was his complete opposite, he was loud, messy, always acting first without thinking, he said what he thought and didn't give a damn what others thought or said. He still had no idea why Roman thought them living together would be a good idea! Seth heard the water stop and suddenly began picturing Dean as he got out of the shower; his body and hair wet from the water, his body...

 "Stop it Rollins! Get a hold of yourself dammit!" Seth scolded himself out loud.

 "I think you need to cut back on the coffee Two-Tones, or is talking to yourself just another of your many, weird traits?" Dean asked smirking, as he came into the kitchen dressed in jeans and a white tank top, both of which showed off his incredible body.

 "I...I uh, aren't you going to be late for work?" Seth asked, trying not to stare, as Dean stood watching him.

 "Nope, Ro's picking me up. You're going to be late though!" Dean answered, as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

 "What?" Seth said shocked, as he looked at his watch. "Dammit!"

 Seth stood and grabbed his dishes, he went to the sink and rinsed them off, before he quickly left the room calling out a goodbye to Dean as he did. Dean leaned against the counter watching Seth leave and shaking his head laughed. He been living with Rollins for a week now and was still learning all of his little, annoying personality traits. He had known this would be fun, he just didn't know how much fun it really was until now! He also knew that ol' Sethie boy had a little thing for him, he didn't tell Seth that he knew, nah he enjoyed the teasing and games he did to Seth too much! He loved the reactions he got out of Seth and honestly Dean was a little attracted to the two-toned man, but he'd never act on it, Seth was too...high maintenance. Of course that didn't mean Dean couldn't have a little fun along the way!

**Days Later**:

 Roman sighed, as he finished checking the engine of his last customer of the day's car; Roman worked with Dean at the best garage in town, both men were the best mechanics the garage had which meant every customer wanted them. It had been a month since Roman got his two brothers to be roommates and every day he heard two different stories of how things were going; which meant the truth was somewhere in the middle. Roman loved both his brothers and truly believed they'd be good for each other. Seth would teach Dean to slow down and think a little more and Dean would teach Seth how to relax and have fun, in a way they'd balance each other out.

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