Love Hurts Pt2/Ambreigns

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The sun had just finished rising, as Dean Ambrose sat in his bed starring out the window. His entire body ached, but it was nothing compared to the ache in his heart!

Dean's broken heart was caused by one man, the one man he thought would never hurt him and the only man he's ever loved romantically his boyfriend and stablemate in The Shield Roman Reigns! They were together four years; with the full love and support of their best and stablemate Seth Rollins. Dean and Roman were so happy and in love, and Dean truly believed he'd spend the rest of his life with Roman! His dreams were shattered along with his heart, when a month ago Roman began drinking, at first it was just a couple of beers after work, but each day Roman began drinking more and more! Both Dean and Seth were worried about him, so one night Dean waited for Roman to get back, before he tried talking to him about it, but it ended up with them fighting; Roman saying hurtful things! The next day though Roman apologized, feeling like crap for what he said and Dean forgave him. Grateful for the second chance Roman promised Dean it would never happen again!

Roman though broke his promise! He continued drinking and along with his drinking, Roman turned into a monster towards Dean! He started verbally abusing Dean, before he began physically abusing him as well! Seth was angry and disgusted with Roman and whenever he witnessed any abuse he would stand up to Roman. He tried many times to get Dean to leave Roman, but he wouldn't! So, he tried talking to Roman, but that just ended with them fighting and Roman telling Seth to stay out of their relationship!

Then last night Dean and Seth had been hanging out alone in Dean and Roman's room, while Roman was out drinking again. When he returned he told Seth to leave, but he wouldn't until Dean reassured him he'd be fine! Roman was furious, yelling at Dean before he attacked him; beating on him, as Dean fought back. Thankfully Seth heard the attack, and quickly broke it up before he told Roman that Dean was leaving him! Roman didn't care and told Seth to keep him, Seth took Dean to his room and cleaned him up, then he held Dean while he cried. Dean was so grateful to have Seth in his life, he was Dean's strength and he'd be lost without him!

When he had woken this morning he found all of his things were now in Seth's room, and he smiled sadly; he knew he'd never be able to thank Seth for all he's done and continued to do for him. He sighed as he got up slowly, got his things and went for a shower, once he was finished he got dressed, before he went to the main part of the room. Seth was on the phone and seeing Dean he told the person he had to go before he hung up.

"Morning D." Seth said, as he hugged him gently.

"Morning Seth." Dean replied.

"How you feeling?" Seth asked, as they sat on the couch.

"Numb, I guess." Dean answered quietly, not sure what to tell him.

"That was Hunter on the phone, I told him what happened and he gave us a couple days off to sort things out." Seth explained.

"Thanks Seth...for everything! I...I'd be lost without you!"

"That's what family is for D, I love you." Seth replied, before he hugged him.

Before Dean could answer, someone began banging on the door to the room, seconds later Roman's voice was heard calling for Dean. Both men turned to look at the door, Dean was scared; he was frozen and breathing hard. Seth quickly grabbed Dean's face and made him look at him, as he spoke.

"Dean, look at me!" Seth ordered, as Dean did. "You're safe, I won't let him hurt you again I promise! Go into the bedroom and I'll get rid of him okay?" Seth said, Dean nodded. "Good." Seth said hugging him.

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