Saving Him Pt2/Ambreigns

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The moon shone through the window, onto the bed where Roman Reigns held the man he loved Dean Ambrose close, as they both slept. In the bed next to theirs slept their best Seth Rollins. Roman was woken by the soft, yet scared murmurs coming from Dean, he opened his eyes and looked at Dean, but said nothing as he held him closer and ran a hand gently through Dean's hair. Like usual that was enough to calm the younger man down, letting him return to a peaceful sleep again.

After Dean was sleeping again, Roman lay there silently watching his boyfriend, thinking of how they ended up here in another hotel room far from home! Dean, Roman and Seth have always been close; inseparable ever since they met in elementary school. No matter what happened or who any of them dated as they grew up, their bond couldn't be broken! Until one man came into their lives two years ago, a very rich, selfish, arrogant, abusive man named Randy Orton. Randy was Dean's boyfriend and he hated Roman and Seth because they weren't afraid of him like everyone else was, and both Roman and Seth hated Randy because they knew he abused Dean! Roman and Seth tried so many times to get Dean to leave Randy, but Dean always refused, defending Randy to his brothers; lying to them about being abused.

It was hard on both Roman and Seth to watch Dean being hurt, but it was worse for Roman because he was in love with Dean; he had been for years and only Seth knew. A couple of weeks ago after the brothers had lunch, Roman took Dean home and on the way there, after seeing new bruises on Dean's arms Roman finally confessed his love to Dean. Roman was shocked, but beyond happy to find out Dean was in love with him too and he finally convinced Dean to run away with him and Seth! He dropped Dean off at his house to pack, while he went home to as well and call Seth. After picking Seth up they arrived at Dean's to find Randy beating on Dean. Both men pulled Randy off, they were furious, Seth rushed to Dean, holding him, while Roman beat on Randy. Seth called the police, but before they arrived Randy took off. The trio talked to the police and Dean was fixed up at the hospital and released. After leaving the hospital Dean still wanted to run away, all three knowing Randy was still out there. So, they left that night and never looked back! Roman's thoughts were interrupted by Dean calling out for both Roman and Seth in his sleep. Seth heard and rushed to the bed sitting down, as Roman gently woke Dean up, seeing they were okay he hugged them tight in a three way hug, as they reassured Dean they were safe!

**Days Later**:

The days passed and the trio continued moving on, trying to put as much distance between them and Randy as they could, until Dean finally felt safe again!

As time went by Dean's physical injuries healed, but his emotional and mental injuries still affected their lives! If one of his brothers moved too fast near him or moved without Dean noticing he automatically cowered away from them, doing the same thing if one of them raised their voice. If something went wrong, or broke Dean would blame himself, apologize and try to fix it. He didn't like being left alone and had to know where both Roman and Seth were at all times or he got upset! Worst of all were the constant nightmares he would have every time he closed his eyes! Roman and Seth both took care of Dean and when he'd have a nightmare they would wake him and then stay up with him; sometimes staying up all night with him.

Both men hated Randy and what the bastard had done to their brother and worked hard to make Dean feel safe, loved and help him return to his old self again. Dean loved both his brothers and was so grateful he had them in his life, he'd be lost without them! He loved Roman, but because of Randy, Dean couldn't be the kind of boyfriend Roman deserved! Dean was self-conscious now, and never let Roman see him without clothes on, he couldn't be intimate with Roman other than kissing or cuddling and it hurt Dean! This wasn't how Dean imagined being with Roman was supposed to be! Unlike Randy though, Roman was patient, loving and gentle, he never got angry or frustrated at Dean, he never cheated or forced himself on Dean, he was the exact opposite of Randy in every possible way!

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