Guardian Angel/Ambreigns

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 Growing up we're taught right from wrong, evil and good. We're taught about Heaven and Hell, Angels and Demons. We're told only good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell. So, how did I end up in Heaven?

 I had a normal life only a few short months ago. I had a hard life growing up, as I got older I made bad choices; I drank, did drugs, slept with whoever I wanted, did whatever I wanted and along the way I hurt people...many people! Until I found the two men who changed me and my world for the better. The only two people who have loved me and never hurt me! The two men I considered more than just my best friends, I considered them my brothers, they're names are Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. As time passed I found love for the first time in my entire life and it was with Roman!

 Then four months ago I died in a car accident, which was my own damn fault; I had gone out drinking and then my stupid ass drove home drunk. I don't remember much about the accident, I woke up later surrounded by nothing, but a bright white light, confused and uninjured. I wandered around alone trying to figure out where the hell I was, I called out to anyone and at first no one answered my calls. Finally I met a beautiful woman who was dressed all in white; she appeared out of nowhere scaring the shit out of me! Her name was Ava and she told me that I was in Heaven and she was an Angel sent to be my guide. I laughed, I thought it was some kind of joke, I mean come on being in Heaven? After a long time she finally convinced me that it was true, I still believed though that there was some kind of mistake; people like me didn't go to Heaven! After getting over my shock I needed to know how my brothers were and I was shown my own funeral; it was the strangest, hardest thing I've ever watched. The hardest part was having to watch Roman and Seth as broken as they were.

 I've been in Heaven four months and I haven't done anything, other than watch my brothers live their lives without me. Some habits are hard to break and I'd find myself talking out loud to them and myself. Today I'm watching as Seth tries to give Roman one of his famous pep talks, trying to get Roman's head into their match tonight. I'm worried about how my death has affected both my brothers; I'm more worried though about my Samoan Superman! Since I've died, Roman's changed, it's like he's given up and that scares me.

 "Dammit Ro, stop shutting Seth out!" I yelled upset, as I watch Roman ignore Seth. "Don't give up on him Seth! Come on, get that big, stubborn Samoan to listen!"


 "Ava, what are you doing here? Don't you have Angel stuff to do?"

 "I do, that's why I'm here actually." She answered, as she turned to look at what I was watching. "How are Roman and Seth doing?"

 "Same as yesterday and the day before that."

 "I'm sorry Dean." She said gently, as she touched my shoulder and squeezed softly. "I have some good news for you."


 "I've been told you're finally ready for your first assignment!"

 "My first what?" Dean asked confused.

 "You've been made a Guardian Angel!"

 "Again what?"

 "You're a Guardian Angel now, your job is to help your charge succeed and live a happy life."

 "Can they hear me? Can we have conversations?"

 "Uh, not exactly. It's more like they have a feeling they need to do whatever it is you tell them."

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