Love Hurts Pt3/Ambreigns

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 Dean Ambrose sat in the passenger seat of his Shield stablemate and ex-boyfriend Roman Reigns' car, biting his nails nervously, as Roman drove.

 Dean and Roman were together four years; with the full support of their best and Shield stablemate Seth Rollins. Roman was the only man Dean's ever loved romantically, they were so happy and in love, everything was perfect and Dean believed he'd spend the rest of his life with Roman! His hopes were shattered though when two months ago Roman began drinking; at first it started with a couple drinks after work, but each day Roman drank more and more! Both Dean and Seth were worried about him, so one night Dean decided to talk to him about it, but that ended with them fighting; Roman saying hurtful things. The next day feeling like crap for hurting Dean, Roman apologized and promised him it would never happen again and Dean forgave him.

 Roman broke his promise though; he continued drinking and became a monster to Dean! He started off verbally abusing Dean, but it soon became physical too! Seth was disgusted and angry with Roman and whenever he'd witness any abuse he stood up to Roman. Seth tried to get Dean to leave Roman many times, but he wouldn't, so Seth tried talking to Roman about it. That ended with them fighting and Roman telling Seth to stay out of their relationship! Then one night a month ago, Dean and Seth were hanging out alone, when Roman returned from drinking. After kicking Seth out he fought with Dean, he attacked and beat on him, Seth barged in and rescued him though. Seth told Roman, Dean was leaving him and Roman didn't care, telling Seth to keep Dean!

 Seth moved Dean in with him and took care of him, promising Dean he'd keep him safe! When they were at work all three were professionals and had everyone fooled that there was nothing wrong. When they weren't working Seth did whatever he could to keep Roman away from Dean and it was working. Tonight Dean had been on his way to the gym; Seth was going to meet up with him there after his meeting with Hunter. As Dean left the hotel he was stopped in the parking lot by Roman, he begged Dean to talk to him and Dean agreed. He couldn't say no to Roman, he still loved him; probably always would, but right now he was beginning to regret agreeing to go with him! 

 His thoughts were interrupted by Roman putting his hand on Dean's thigh, rubbing it gently, before he spoke.

 "It's been a month since you left, but it feels like forever! I've really missed you baby, I'm really happy you agreed to talk to me Dean!"

 " too!" Dean replied smiling nervously.

 Roman drove around for awhile, making small talk, the alcohol he had drank before he met up with Dean was making him angry and finally he couldn't hold it in any longer! The hand on Dean's thigh got tighter as Roman squeezed, Dean tried to push him off which only made Roman angrier.

 "Roman, stop the damn car now and let me out!" Dean demanded angrily.

 "No! You're mine Dean and I'm not letting you go again!" Roman refused.

 "You haven't changed Roman! Have...have you been drinking?" Dean asked.

 "Don't talk to me like that!" Roman yelled angrily, before he hit Dean in the face, causing him to hit his head off the window and split his lip. "See what you made me do? Dammit Dean, I love you!" He said, as he tried to touch Dean's face, but Dean moved away.

 "Seth was right about you!" Dean mumbled.

 "I'm so damn sick of hearing about Seth! You're screwing him aren't you?"

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