Blackmailing Love Pt3/Ambrollins

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The snow fell lightly on the city, as Doctor Seth Rollins sat at his desk, starring out his office window lost in thought. He sighed as he turned from the window and looked at his computer; he should be working, but like usual his mind was on something else.

Actually it was someone else; gorgeous, blue eyed, dimpled, perfect in every crazy way EMT Dean Ambrose! In a perfect world, Seth would be with Dean; openly loving him...but this wasn't a perfect world! The reality was that Seth was engaged to another Doctor; an arrogant, selfish, powerful, abusive man named Randy Orton and everyone knew it! That didn't stop Seth from falling in love with Dean, and it sure as hell didn't stop Dean from falling in love with Seth! So, the two men snuck around to be together, the only one knowing about them was their best and Dean's partner EMT Roman Reigns!

That all changed though, when one of the Nurses who had a huge thing for Dean; named Nikki Bella, discovered their secret! She knew like the trio did, that if Randy found out about their affair he could and would ruin all three men's lives! So, she confronted Dean about it, blackmailing him into being with her to keep their secret and he agreed! She enjoyed her little game, rubbing it in Seth's face every chance she got! One night two weeks ago at work, after tiring of only making out with Dean, she decided to sleep with him, of course his job interrupted them, she was pissed, but wasn't about to give up!

Seth and Roman hated what this was doing to Dean; he was moodier than usual and seemed broken! They tried talking Dean out of his deal with Nikki, but he refused reminding them he was doing it to keep the three of them safe from Randy. Seth had decided to finally break things off with Randy and face the consequences, no matter what they were! That had been two weeks ago, and Seth had tried countless times to tell Randy, but of course he was always too busy to talk to! Seth wasn't going to give up though, he was going to end this for Dean's sake!

**A Week Later**:

Dean lay on his couch, the TV on, but he wasn't watching it, he was almost asleep. He finally had the night off, and he had turned down Roman's earlier offer to hang out, so he could do nothing...relax and unwind! This had been the week from hell, as he tried and failed to avoid Nikki, but at least he had been able to spend a little time with Seth; it wasn't a lot, but enough to keep him sane!

He hated Nikki and having to play her game, but knew it was the only way to keep Seth, Roman and himself safe. It killed him to hurt Seth by doing this, but at least he hadn't slept with her! His thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on his door, sighing he got up and went to the door thinking it was Roman, he spoke as he answered it.

"Ro, I told you dude, I...what the hell are you doing here?" Dean demanded.

"Aren't you happy to see me Deanie?" Nikki asked pouting, as she pushed past him and went inside.

"How did you find out where I lived?" He asked angrily, as he shut the door.

"It wasn't easy! It doesn't matter though, I'm here now!" She answered smiling.

"Why are you here?" Dean asked annoyed, as he sat on the couch, and leaned his head back, closing his eyes.

"I came to collect on your end of our little deal!" She answered, as she climbed onto Dean's lap and began kissing him.

The make-out session got heated quickly, this was the moment Dean had been dreading and now that it was here, he had to pretend he was with Seth to be able to make it through! They began undressing each other, but before anything else could happen Dean's phone began ringing. He tried to ignore it, but when it didn't stop he answered, it was Roman telling him that even though it was their night off they were being called into work because of a big accident. Dean told him he'd be ready in 10 minutes, before he hung up and spoke.

"I have to go, that was Roman, we were called into work!" Dean explained, as he moved her off him.

"What? It's your night off dammit!" Nikki said angrily.

"Not anymore! Look Nikki, it's my job, you know I can't blow it off!" Dean said angrily, as he stood up and went upstairs, quickly followed by Nikki.

Dean went into his room and began getting ready for work, while Nikki continued trying to seduce him. Dean was getting angry and finally had had enough, he grabbed her arm roughly stopping her as he spoke.

"Dammit Nikki, enough! I already told you my job comes first!" He said upset.

"What about me huh? I'm tired of being pushed aside dammit!" Nikki yelled angrily, as she pulled away. "We had a deal!"

"We still do, you're just going to have to wait! I'm sorry Nikki, there's nothing I can do!" Dean replied sighing.

"Oh, you're going to be sorry!" Nikki stated.

"I gotta go!" Dean said, as they went downstairs.

"You just made a huge mistake Deanie!" Nikki warned him, as she quickly got dressed and grabbed her things, before she opened the door and almost ran into Roman who stood on the other side about to come in.

"Nikki?" Roman asked shocked, as he looked at her then Dean.

"Hello Rommie!" She replied, before she went to her car, got in and drove away.

"What was that about?" Roman asked, as Dean grabbed his stuff.

"She came to collect on her deal!" Dean answered sighing, as they left his house and he locked the door.

"Oh, did you..."

"Sleep with her?" Dean questioned cutting him off, Roman nodded. "Nope! Your phone call saved me!"

"D, I..."

"Don't okay?" Dean said cutting Roman off again. "I can't do this right now!"

Meanwhile after leaving Dean's house, Nikki was beyond pissed and tired of playing games! She was done, tonight had been the final straw, no one denied her anything! She drove to the hospital and parked, before she got out and headed inside to find Randy. Once she was at his office, she knocked on his door and seconds later he answered, he was surprised to see her.

"Nikki? What are you doing here, I thought it was your night off?" He asked. "If you're here to screw around, I don't have time tonight there's..."

"Can I come in? We need to talk!"

"Uh, sure! Come on in!" Randy said, as she went into the office, as he shut the door. "What's going on Nikki, I've got a lot of work to do!"

"I have something to tell you, that you're going to find very...interesting!" Nikki answered smirking, as she sat down.


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