Let It Snow/Ambreigns

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Roman Reigns, stood outside in the cold, snowy night nervously starring at his best friend...brother and stablemate in The Shield Dean Ambrose. Dean was completely oblivious to Roman's watching him, he hadn't even heard him come outside!

Roman wasn't afraid of anyone or anything, but as he stood silently watching, as Dean lay on his back in the snow, starring up at the night sky, he was afraid! After months of constant fighting with Dean, Roman was about to do the one thing he should have done from the beginning and tell Dean he loved him! He had been running and hiding from his love for too long, it was the reason he had been fighting with Dean! He knew Dean would never feel the same about him, so to protect himself he pushed Dean away, fighting with him! Then three days ago, their best friend...brother and Shield stablemate Seth Rollins; who was tired of their fighting and tired of being stuck in the middle, set up a week long vacation at fellow WWE Superstar Dolph Ziggler's cabin in the woods. At first when he told his brothers about it neither wanted to go, but after Seth told them how he felt they both agreed. The night they were leaving, as they packed their car Hunter stopped them and told the trio that Seth had an interview to do the next morning. They tried to get him out of it, but Hunter refused, so Dean and Roman left without him, he was to join them there the next afternoon. Their plans changed though, when because of heavy snow it was now three days later and Seth still hadn't arrived. Dean and Roman had spent the last three tense days avoiding each other as much as possible, only speaking to the other if necessary! Until tonight, when something snapped in Roman and he needed to tell Dean about his love, no matter what happened after. Roman took a deep breath, before he walked closer to Dean and spoke.

"Dean, can we talk?" Roman asked quietly, Dean leaned his head back, so he was looking at Roman upside down and smiling answered.

"Sure, Rome!"

"Thanks." Roman replied smiling, as he lay down beside Dean in the snow.

Dean lay beside Roman in silence, trying and failing to get his courage up to finally tell Roman that he loved him! Dean had never been in love before and it scared the hell out of him! All his life he's been hurt by people who say they loved him, so he built walls around his heart to protect himself. Then he met Roman and Seth, and without even trying they both smashed through the walls and he was okay with that! He was okay with that until he realized he was in love for the first time in his life and it was with...Roman! To protect himself; knowing Roman wouldn't feel the same about him, Dean pushed Roman away, fighting with him. Then tonight for some reason he knew he couldn't run from it anymore, and now...now being so close to Roman he knew it was time! Both men turned to look at each other and at the same time spoke.

"I need to tell you something!" Dean and Roman said together, before they both laughed.

"Why don't we go inside where it's warm and talk?" Dean suggested.

"Agreed!" Roman replied smiling, as they stood and made their way inside.

10 minutes later Dean was fixing the fire, while Roman got them some hot chocolate. When he returned to the living room he saw Dean sitting in front of the fireplace, starring into the flames and Roman's breath got caught in his chest. Dean looked so perfect in that moment! Roman sighed nervously, before he went to his brother and smiling handed Dean his cup, as he sat on the floor beside him. After more silence, they both put their cups on the table, before watching the flames again, Dean spoke quietly.

"Ro, I...I need to tell you something. You know I'm not good with feelings and emotions, so bare with me okay?" Dean began quietly, as he starred into the fire, Roman starred at him as he nodded. "All my life I've kept my heart guarded, after being hurt so many damn times, by people who claimed they loved me! I have never loved anyone before...until now! Being in love is new to me and honestly Ro, it completely scares the hell out of me! I...I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm scared I'm going to screw it up like I always do!" He explained, as he kept his eyes on the fire, but Roman could see Dean's unshed tears shinning in the fire's soft light and his heart ached.

"Dean." Roman said gently, as he put a hand on Dean's arm, he turned to look at Roman and closed his eyes tight.

"Ro, I..." Dean began, but was cut off by Roman kissing him.

Roman pulled away after a few seconds and smiling touched Dean's cheek gently as he spoke.

"Dean, you don't need to be scared. I love you too and I promise you I will never hurt you! You're my past, present and future...my everything! I know about your past and if you'll let me I can show you how you deserve to be loved?" Roman asked, tears in his eyes too, as he starred into Dean's scared blue eyes. "I love you Dean."

Instead of answering Dean kissed Roman again, both put every ounce of love and want into the kiss. The kiss grew more passionate, as they undressed each other and by the fire's soft light they made love. Afterwards they lay together under a blanket in front of the fire, Dean was still scared shitless, but this time when Roman promised he'd never hurt him, for the first time in his life Dean believed those words! Maybe this time it was his turn to have a happily ever after?


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