Playing With A Lunatic's Heart Pt4/Ambrollins

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Dean Ambrose sat on the balcony of the hotel room he shared with his best and stablemate in The Shield Roman Reigns. He was emotionally and mentally exhausted, the reason for it was his love for one man; a man he's loved for months now! Dean had fallen in love for the first time in his life and it was with his and Roman's best and stablemate Seth Rollins!

He should be happy, but he wasn't because unlike Fairy-tales Dean's love story didn't have a happy ending! Their relationship wasn't normal, for months; despite Roman's disapproval from the beginning, Dean and Seth had slept together! Dean ended up falling in love with Seth, he thought Seth felt the same way and so he told him how he felt. His heart was broken when Seth told him he didn't love him back! Feeling like he had been used all these months by Seth, Dean not only ended their relationship, but also their friendship too! A few days later though, with Roman's help, Dean managed to forgive Seth and return to being brothers with him! Not long after fixing their brotherhood though, one night Seth found Dean talking to Randy alone in the hotel hallway. Seth asked to talk to Dean alone and he agreed, as soon as they were behind closed doors though Seth seduced him! Dean wanted it, thinking that Seth finally loved him too, but he was wrong it was nothing more than jealousy and more head games! Dean couldn't take it anymore and so once again he broke off their friendship!

Dean tried to move on and when Randy asked him out, Dean agreed. He wasn't expecting anything to come from it; just some fun, but he ended up dating Randy for a few months. Dean's heart wasn't in the relationship; Seth still owned it, so when Dean found out Randy had never been faithful to him he really didn't care! Despite Randy's cheating Dean stayed with him, to Dean it was better than being alone; he was just so damn tired of being alone! Then two months ago, Seth confessed his love for Dean, causing even more chaos for him! That same night Dean broke up with Randy, and talked to Seth telling him that even though he still loved Seth, he thought it would be for the best if he stayed single for awhile to figure out who he was and what he really wanted! Seth understood and was okay with his decision, reminding him he would wait until Dean was ready. They fixed their brotherhood though and both men were happy to at least have their brother back!

Dean's thoughts were interrupted by his brothers returning with their dinner, so he went back inside smiling and greeted them, as he sat on the couch beside Seth.

"You okay D?" Seth asked, noticing how tired Dean looked.

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind! I'll be okay though!" Dean reassured him smiling.

**Days Later**:

Days later Dean was working out at the gym alone, Seth and Roman were on their way to meet up with him. As Dean ran on the treadmill, he never noticed Randy watching him, until he got onto the treadmill beside his and spoke.

"Hey Dean!" Randy greeted him smiling. "You're looking really good!" He added looking Dean up and down, as he licked his lips.

"Thanks." Dean replied, before he got off and grabbed his towel.

"Can we talk please? In private?" Randy asked quickly getting off his machine too, stopping Dean before he could walk away.

"Randy, I..."

"Please? Just talk I promise!" Randy asked cutting Dean off.

"Alright." Dean agreed, as they headed to the locker room.

As soon as they were inside, Randy quickly pushed Dean against the lockers, using his own body to keep him there.

"What the hell are you doing Orton?" Dean demanded angrily.

"I want you back!" Randy answered.

"Nope! I left you because you cheated Randy, we're never getting back together!" Dean answered.

"You're right, I was an ass, I know! I've changed Dean, take me back!" Randy pleaded.

"No! Go to hell Randy and leave me alone!" Dean answered.

"You drive me crazy Dean!" Randy stated smiling, before he tried to kiss him.

The kiss never happened though, as Dean punched Randy knocking him to the floor on his ass, just as Roman and Seth arrived.

"Dean, you okay?" Roman asked upset, as he and Seth went to Dean.

"I'm fine!" Dean answered, before he grabbed his stuff and walked out.

"Stay the hell away from Dean! It's over Orton, he's never going to take your pathetic ass back!" Seth ordered angrily, before he left with Roman.

Once they were gone, Randy stood up smiling and rubbed his jaw, he was pissed that Dean broke up with one did that! He refused to just let Dean walk away, he would get him back, hell no one could resist him for long! He vowed that he would be with Dean, not that two-toned idiot Rollins!

**Two Days Later**:

Dean was pissed, he paced their locker room before that night's Raw! Hunter had called all three Shield members into his office earlier that evening and told them that he was putting them in a storyline against Sheamus, Barrett and Orton. All three men; especially Dean were pissed, knowing Randy did this to be close to Dean! They tried to get out of it, but Hunter refused and they left his office. After they left Dean went to their locker room, while Roman and Seth went to have a talk with Randy!

Seth returned alone a little while later, to find Dean pacing as he mumbled to himself and he wished he could take away all of Dean's problems and pain! Wished Dean would let him love him!

"Where's Ro?" Dean asked, breaking into Seth's thoughts.

"He's still on a viper hunt!" Seth answered smiling, as Dean stopped pacing and looked at him. "You hanging on?"

"Barely!" Dean replied. "I can't get this damn chaos in my head to stop! I..."

Dean was cut off by Seth; when without warning, he grabbed Dean and kissed him! Seth pulled away and they starred at each other in silence, Seth was nervous, he couldn't tell what Dean was thinking and he was worried he had crossed another line!

"I'm...I'm so sorry Dean! I just wanted to help you quiet those voices in your head! Please don't hate me, I...I just couldn't stand by and do nothing anymore!" Seth explained, tears in his eyes.

"I'm not mad Seth." Dean said quietly. "And I don't hate you."

" don't?" Seth asked, Dean shook his head no. "Okay...I'm going to go find Rome." Seth said relieved, before he walked out.

Once he was alone, Dean; who was more confused now than ever, punched the wall, before he sat down. How the hell was he supposed to figure anything out, when he was being pulled in different directions? He had no idea what to do, but he needed to figure something out soon, before he self destructed!


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