Playing With A Lunatic's Heart Pt2/Ambrollins

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Seth Rollins; one third of the WWE's most dominate stables The Shield, sat in catering with his best and stablemate Roman Reigns. As they ate they both checked their phones for any response to their many phone calls and texts to their missing best and stablemate Dean Ambrose.

Neither mad had seen or heard from Dean since the night before and it wasn't like him not to contact them; especially Roman! As Seth sat looking around, he couldn't help, but blame himself for Dean's disappearance. After all he was the one that thought sleeping around with Dean for six months was a good idea; that nothing would happen because of it! Even after Roman had warned him not to keep leading Dean on that something horrible could happen, he still slept with Dean he couldn't get enough! He was wrong about nothing happening though, something did happen...Dean had fallen in love with him, and Seth had broken his heart by telling Dean he didn't feel the same. Dean was so hurt that he ended not only their sleeping together, but their brotherhood too! Thankfully days later Dean had found it in his heart to forgive Seth and they were able to save their friendship...that is until Seth screwed up again last night! Last night Seth had found Dean flirting with Randy in the hotel hallway and his jealousy took over and he asked to talk to Dean alone. Once in his room Seth kissed Dean, they almost made love, but Dean realized Seth was only doing this because he was jealous, and that Seth hadn't really changed! Dean broke up with Seth again, completely ending their brotherhood, before Dean left the hotel.

After Dean left Roman had confronted Seth, ready to kill him, and it was then that Seth realized he really did love Dean! Seth quickly went after him, but Dean had disappeared, and now it was 10 minutes before their match and Dean was no where to be found! Roman and Seth were both going crazy with worry, they got up and left catering, heading for the spot they would enter the ring from, and saw Dean standing against the wall in his ring gear biting his nails waiting for them. Seeing him both men were relieved he was okay and Roman rushed to Dean hugging him.

"You asshole Ambrose! Next time you disappear let me know you're alive at least! Dammit Dean, I've been worried sick!" Roman scolded him.

"Sorry Rome." Dean replied quietly, avoiding looking at Seth, just as their music hit.


After their match against The Wyatts, Dean had disappeared again. This time though he texted Roman to let him know he was at the hotel room he was sharing with Roman. After showering and changing Seth and Roman headed for the hotel.

Once there they stopped at Seth's room so he could drop his stuff off, before they went to talk to Dean. When they arrived they went inside, his stuff was there, but Dean wasn't, Roman noticed the note on the TV and read it, it was from Dean telling Roman he had gone for a run and would be back soon. Seth decided enough was enough and left the hotel to find Dean, he got into the car and began driving around. An hour later it began to rain and Seth still hadn't found Dean yet, he was about to head back to the hotel when he spotted Dean walking to the hotel. He quickly pulled up beside Dean and rolled down the window, before he spoke.

"Dean, get in the car!"

"Screw you Rollins! Leave me alone!" Dean refused, as he continued walking.

"Don't be so damn stubborn and get in!" Seth ordered, as he pulled up beside him again.

"Nope!" Dean replied, not even looking at him, as he continued walking.

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