To Win A Lunatic's Heart Pt3/Ambreigns/Ambrollins

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 Dean Ambrose returned to his room and sighed, as he sat down on the couch. He rubbed his hands over his face, before he laid down and starred at the ceiling as he thought of how screwed up his life was all because of two men; his best Roman Reigns and their former brother and Dean's ex-boyfriend Seth Rollins! 

 All three men met each other years earlier in NXT; Dean had met Roman first and the two became close and eventually began dating and fell in love. Roman was the first person Dean has ever loved romantically and it scared him! A year later Dean broke up with Roman, believing it was for the best and the two remained brothers. Then Seth came into their lives and became like a brother to both Dean and Roman. Not long after they met Dean once again found himself falling in love, this time with Seth, and it wasn't until after The Shield's debut on Raw, that the two men confessed their love and became a couple. The couple were happy and in love, Dean thought their lives were perfect...until June 2nd, 2014! The night that Seth betrayed his brothers, breaking up The Shield and ended his relationship with Dean!

 After their breakup Dean and Roman grew closer; if that was at all possible and helped each other move on. Even though the two never got back together officially, they shared many cuddles, hand-holding, kisses and as of a month ago love-making! Dean still loved Roman and Roman made it obvious every minute of every day that he still loved Dean too! The only problem though was that Dean still loved Seth too...probably always would!

 Dean and Roman enjoyed screwing with Seth and The Authority every chance they got, ruining their plans and making their lives a living hell! Tonight after a fatal 4-way match involving Dean, Roman, Seth and Randy for the WWE Championship; which the two-toned scumbag won, retaining his title, Dean came to a realization! He finally knew it was Roman who he was meant to be with and Dean had planned on telling Roman back at the hotel. Instead though, they ran into the sellout at the arena and he begged Dean and Roman to go for drinks and talk. Dean refused at first, until Roman convinced him to go. At the bar, they drank and talked for awhile, before they returned to the hotel together to hang out. Roman was held up by Hunter, so Dean and Seth went to the room alone...big, huge, giant mistake! Seth and Dean ended up kissing and they almost made love, but Dean couldn't, he loved and wanted Roman! Before they could get dressed, Roman returned and found them, he took off before Dean could explain! Dean went after him, but lost him!

 Not willing to lose him, Dean returned to the room; Seth was already dressed, Dean quickly did too, before he told Seth to leave and once he was gone Dean left too. He had looked everywhere for Roman and asked everyone if they had seen him, but no one had! So, he returned to the room brokenhearted, he took out his phone and checked it to see if Roman had answered any of his many texts or phone calls, but there was nothing! Dean still laying down, threw his phone to the end of the couch, as he began to cry, Roman couldn't hate him as much as he hated himself!

**The Next Day**:

 Roman made his way into the arena, he was hurt and beyond angry! He had spent the night with his cousins, telling them to not tell Dean he was there, he needed time to think. He thought about Dean and how much he loved and wanted him, and he remembered the look on Dean's face when he had found them, the way Dean forgot about Seth to come after him...maybe Dean did love him too? That thought was enough for him to decide to fight for Dean, he wouldn't let that two-toned bastard use and hurt the man he loved again!

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