Love Hurts Pt6/Ambreigns

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 Dean Ambrose; one third of The Shield, lay in his bed on his side facing the wall, as he held the blanket tightly, crying silently. While his two best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns slept peacefully in their beds, steps away.

 Dean loved both his brothers and was so grateful he had both of them in his life, but truthfully he was scared of Roman! Dean and Roman had dated for four years, they were so happy and in love. Months ago, everything changed when Roman began to drink, at first it was only a drink or two after work, but it quickly got worse and he drank all the time.

 Dean and Seth were worried about him and tried talking to him, at first Roman refused to listen to either of them, but after a fight with Dean, Roman apologized and promised him it would never happen again, he'd quit drinking! He broke his promise though and his drinking turned him into a monster towards Dean, he began to verbally and physically abuse him all the time. Seth hating what Roman had become, would stand up to him all the time for Dean, telling him off, but even then Roman still refused to listen! One night Roman attacked Dean, but Seth came to his rescue and he ended the relationship between Dean and Roman, before he took Dean to his room. Roman tried to get Dean back, but Seth wouldn't let him anywhere near Dean, except when they were at work. 

 Roman continued drinking and six months ago, Roman caught Dean alone in the parking lot and convinced him to go for a drive to talk. Looking back on that night, Dean wished he had been strong enough to say no! They ended up fighting, which caused them to crash the car, Roman wasn't seriously hurt, but Dean was! Dean woke up in the hospital a couple of days later, with Seth by his side and no one knew where Roman was. Dean slowly healed from his physical injuries, but his emotional ones to this day still haven't healed. Thankfully he had Seth by his side, helping him through everything and he was so grateful for his brother!

 For two months after the accident no one knew where Roman was or even if he was okay! Both Dean and Seth were worried, they both missed and still loved him; especially Dean! They had no contact of any kind with him and Hunter had told everyone he was out with an injury. Finally a month ago they received a call from a Doctor Stone and were told that Roman had been in rehab this entire time and he had beaten his demons, both Dean and Seth were so proud of him and had gone to see him. Even though Roman still scared him, it felt so good to see feel him again. They had spent the day with him, they talked and Roman apologized to both his brothers and they both accepted his apology. Dean told him that he still struggled to let go of the hurt and wasn't ready to take him back...he might never be. Roman accepted it, knowing he had caused too much damage for a simple apology to fix.

 It's been a month now since Roman got out of rehab and returned to the WWE, even though both Dean and Seth are happy to have him back, Dean's still terrified of Roman. He tried so hard to move on knowing Roman's a different person, but the hell Dean went through because of him was something he couldn't forget and relived every time Roman raised his voice or fought someone in the ring! His thoughts were interrupted by Seth's gentle voice.


 "I'm okay Seth." Dean said, as he quickly wiped away his tears, before he turned to face him, he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

 "No, you're not." Seth said gently, as he laid down beside him under the covers. "Come here tough guy."

 Without another word Dean cuddled into Seth's arms and once again, like the countless times before, he cried while Seth held him tight, keeping him safe. Neither of them noticed Roman watching them, he was slowly getting angry that his brothers were sneaking around to be together, he refused to give up on winning Dean back!

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