Saving Him Pt4/Ambreigns

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 Roman Reigns lay on the couch in the small hotel room, with his boyfriend Dean Ambrose; who had fallen asleep laying in Roman's arms, while they were watching a movie with their best Seth Rollins. After Dean had fallen asleep Roman turned off the movie, while Seth went for a shower, as Roman held Dean close, he began to think of their lives together.

 The three men have known each other since elementary school, from the moment they met they became best friends! They've been inseparable their entire lives, nothing and no one could break their bond! One man though; named Randy Orton, came close! Randy's a very rich, very powerful, arrogant, selfish, abusive man, he came into their lives two years ago when he began dating Dean. Roman and Seth hated...despised Randy because of what he was doing to their brother, and Randy hated...despised both of them too because unlike everyone else they didn't fear him! Roman and Seth tried many times to get Dean to leave Randy, but he wouldn't and even defended Randy to his brothers; denying and hiding the abuse.

 Roman had been secretly in love with Dean for years and only Seth knew, and he'd beg Roman to tell Dean how he felt, so they could finally get rid of Randy! Finally one day unable to watch his brother suffer any longer Roman finally told Dean and he was so happy to learn that Dean loved him too! Wanting to be together, but worried about Randy, the trio decided to run away together! As Dean packed Randy returned home and found him, he attacked Dean, but Roman and Seth arrived and saved him. Randy escaped before the police arrived, after telling the cops everything and getting Dean checked out at the hospital the trio left town like they planned.

 While on the run, Roman and Seth; patiently and lovingly helped Dean slowly return to his old self and both his brothers were so damn proud of Dean! Then days ago, while Roman and Seth were out running errands, Randy called Dean and with one phone call all of Dean's hard work was gone! Dean returned to the scared little boy once again and it killed Roman and Seth! Knowing Randy was capable of anything Roman and Seth secretly bought a gun for protection and hid it from Dean!

 Roman was suddenly pulled from his thoughts when Dean sat up, scared shitless from another nightmare! Roman sat up and quickly took Dean into his arms, reassuring him he was okay, Dean began to calm down knowing Roman was okay, until he realized Seth wasn't there!

 "Where's Seth?" Dean asked panicking, tears in his eyes.

 "Dean? What's wrong?" Seth questioned concerned, as he came out of the bathroom when heard Dean's panicked voice.

 "Seth!" Dean said so relieved, as he got up and went to Seth hugging him tight. "You're're both safe!"

 "Come on, let's finish watching our movie huh?" Roman suggested smiling sadly, as Dean went back to the comfort of Roman's arms, Seth sat beside them. 

 Roman turned the movie back on, and put his arms around Dean holding him close, Dean held both his brothers hands tightly. Seth looked at Roman and both knew it was going to be another long, sleepless night, but neither cared, as long as Dean felt safe!

**Two Days Later**:

 Randy sat in his car watching as the oblivious trio returned to their hotel room after running errands. Randy noticed the way both the big idiot and the two-toned dummy kept Dean between them, to protect their precious brother and it made him smile to know even apart he still had power over Ambrose! Randy had been searching for Dean since the trio left town and finally he had found them a couple of days ago! He was pissed that Dean had left; no one ever left him! Dean was his property and he was going to get him back, even if it meant killing Reigns and Rollins to do it!

 Randy watched as they went to their door, and while Seth unlocked it Roman kissed Dean! Seeing that pissed Randy off even more, he was going to enjoy hurting the three men and once he had his Dean back, he was never going to get away from Randy again! Of course he was going to have to teach his precious Deano a lesson about running away, but that's what happens when you try and screw with him! He knew all about their little gun, he had found it earlier when he had broken into their room while they were out! He had taken the gun with him and he planned on using it on the three men; why go out and go through the hassle of getting his own gun, when they had a perfectly good one he could use! 

 He waited until they were all sitting on the couch, before he got out of his car and smiling went to the door. He opened it surprising all three men, seeing him they stood, Roman and Seth put Dean behind them; he held both their hands tightly as he shook with fear.

 "Well, well, well! What do we have here?" Randy asked smiling, as he came into the room, kicking the door shut behind him. "If it isn't the two home wreckers and my precious little Deano!"

 "How the hell did you find us?" Seth demanded angrily.

 "It's easy...when you're me!" Randy answered. "It's good to see you baby, you look real good...I've missed you Deanie!" He said, as he looked Dean up and down licking his lips.

 "Don't call him that you son-of-a-bitch!" Roman ordered angrily.

 "I'll call him whatever the hell I want Reigns! He is mine after all!"

 "Not anymore he's not you bastard!" Seth replied.

 "Aw, that's cute Rollins, it really is! I'm going to let the three of you in on a little secret! Dean is and always will be mine!" Randy said smiling. "I've come to take him home!"

 "He's not going anywhere with you Orton!" Roman said, as he looked at his bag where the gun was hidden.

 "Is this the part where you try  to stop me?" Randy asked smiling. 

 "No! This is the part where we do stop you!" Roman answered, as he rushed to his bag that sat on the bed, but he was stopped by Randy.

 "Looking for this?" Randy asked, as he pulled out the gun.


 "I took it when you were out! Judging by the look on my poor Deano's face and knowing of his hatred for guns...I'd say he didn't know you two had this!" Randy said smiling. "It's not nice to lie boys!"

 "Screw you Orton! We got it because of you!" Seth replied angrily.

 "Well gentlemen, this has been fun, but Dean and I are going to leave now! I've really missed him and we have a lot of catching up to do!" Randy said smiling.

 "He's not going anywhere!" Seth stated.

 "That's where you're wrong Rollins! So very, very wrong!" Randy said still smiling, as he raised the gun and pointed it at Seth, before he fired one time!


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