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The Walking Dead

Season 7

Episode 16


Previously On WillBrennan7's The Walking Dead...

"You've never faced someone like me" says Spike, as he shoots Gwen in the head, and Anthony carries her through the gates. "They don't deserve to live" Anthony says, as Sam says "Please, come back." "Be careful" Carly says, as Jenny is shot in the eye. "Spike saw us" Todd says, as a car is driven towards them, and Todd is impaled. "Please" he says, as walkers start eating him. Anthony stares down at the walker Todd, as walkers surround the plant.


          Walker Todd growled as he raised his arm up. He swiped around, but there was no food in sight. Suddenly, William appeared and looked down at him. Todd growled and tried to grab him, but he couldn't reach. William sighed, before kneeling down and stabbing Todd in the forehead. Greg emerged with Adam, as they stared down at William, who took the knife out. The rest of the group saw this, and looked saddened.

           A walker headed towards the plant, but a blade went through its head. Hannah pulled the sword out. Hannah stabbed another walker, as Sam shot one down. Suddenly, another gun went off, and the two saw Anthony walking forward. Hannah looked relieved, but couldn't force a smile. He looked at them with an unhappy look, as the three walked forward and started taking the walkers out.

            Vivian, Carly, Ted, and Nick heard the shots outside, and they could hear the walkers moving away. Vivian looked at Ted, and he nodded. He pulled the door opened, and stabbed a walker immediately. Carly sent a machete into one's skull, as Nick shot one down. Vivian started sniping the walkers down immediately, as they spotted Anthony, Hannah, and Sam coming forwards and taking the walkers out.

             Ted stabbed the final walker, as the group saw the bodies everywhere. They then saw the others walking down the road towards them, with sadness on their faces. Carly approached Hannah and looked at her. "Todd?" Hannah looked at her, and shook her head. Carly looked saddened, before she spotted William. She immediately ran over and hugged her brother, as the rest of the group came forward.

               "Glad you're back" Greg said, shaking Anthony's hand. "I'm not just there yet" said Anthony. "But, I'm trying." "That's still good" Terry said, as he ran forward and hugged Vivian. "Yeah" said Anthony. "That's good." As Greg began to speak, Anthony's attention was diverted. He saw someone in the distance. It was a woman with long blonde hair, tan skin, looking as beautiful as the time he had last seen her. Anthony stepped forward, as Gwen smiled at him. "Hello Anthony" she said, with a smile on her face. He looked at her, unsure of what to think.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


                   The group walked inside of the plant, as Anthony led them in. "Anthony" said Jason. "What do we do now? We just lost two people. What are we going to do?" Anthony continued to walk. "ANTHONY" Hannah shouted. He stopped in his tracks, as Hannah said "We need our leader." He looked back at her, before looking forward and walking off.

                   Molly was shaking as Hector sat next to her. "Molly" he said. "What is it? What's wrong?" She suddenly stopped, as she saw William at the door. He stood there silently, and said "Something happened." Hector looked at his sad expression, and asked "Who did we lose?" William looked frightened, before saying "Todd and Jenny." Suddenly, Molly topped shaking. She looked at him, before standing up and walking off.

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