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The Walking Dead

Season 7

 Episode 4


Previously On WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“It’s a power plant” Anthony says, as the Asian and Blonde man are taken by walkers. “I’ll take them out on a run” Anthony says, as William falls ad hits his head. “You have to tell Jenny” Molly says, as she kisses William. “H for Hounds” Sam says, as the group runs off. “Terry” Ted says, holding the walkie-talkie up. “You’re gonna want to hear this.” “I’m Spike the Animal” he says, holding the sledgehammer. “I’m gonna take her” Spike says, as Anthony is hit with a gun.



            Jason kept tapping his foot, as Anthony paced back and forth in his cell. “Sit down” said Bernard. “You’re making me worried.” “Good” said Anthony, continuing to pace. Bernard sighed, before saying “You know, you’d fit right in here. You’re already acting like a wild dog. I bet if you’d join, you’d take my place as second in command.” Anthony stared at him with fury, before reaching his arm through the cell bars and reaching for Bernard, who stepped back.

              “Anthony, stop” said Gwen. “Why should I?” Anthony asked, staring at Bernard’s smug face. “Because” said Sam. “William’s awake.” Anthony turned, and saw Hannah and Carly helping William sit up. “What happened?” he asked, looking around. He spotted Bernard and asked “Who is this guy?” “William” said Carly. “This guy and his group kidnapped us.” William didn’t seem to register her words, as he looked around, and asked “Where’s Molly?” “My boss took her” said Bernard. “He should be done with her soon, then he’ll take the leader and beat him. That’s how it works here.”

                Suddenly, the door opened, and Spike dragged Molly in, who had blood on her head, and seemed to be crying. “Step back” Bernard said, aiming his gun at Anthony. Anthony went to the back of the cell, as a man opened the door, and Spike through Molly in. “Help me” she said in an innocent voice, as William pulled her onto his lap. “What did you do to her?” he asked, looking at Spike. “Nothing” he said “She did it herself. She needs help.”

                  William jumped up and ran forward, but Spike back handed him. He fell back, before Spike grabbed William, and placed the sledgehammer against his head. “Stop” said Anthony. “You don’t want to do this. You already hurt the girl. You don’t need to kill him.” “You think I hurt her?” Spike asked. “Sure, I was originally going to smack her around, but she did that herself. Do you want to know what she tried to do?”

                     Anthony stared at him as Spike said “Of course you don’t. You hate me right now, so you won’t believe me. That doesn’t matter. Now, who should I take next?” He looked at the group, and said “You all seem like you’ve hit hard times. I am truly sorry, but you are clear threats, so we need to eliminate you all, and I mean all.

                   “What do you mean?” Jason asked. “I know there has to be more of you” said Spike. “There definitely is, so that’s why I want to find them, and then I’ll kill you all.” “You don’t have to though” said Anthony. “We won’t hurt you is you don’t hurt us. Just let us go, and we won’t cross paths again.”

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