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The Walking Dead

Season 8

Episode 16


Previously On WillBrennan7's The Walking Dead...

"We are going nowhere" Sam says, as he and Heather walk down the road. "I wish there was something more" Heather says, as she and Sam burn the walkers. Molly is shot through the stomach, as William cries into his hands. "We have to find them" Nick says, as he and the others save Sam and Heather. "I want us to have a life somewhere" Hannah says, as Jason says "You guys here for sanctuary?" "What is that?" William asks, as the group looks at the TFL sign. "Let's just try" Hannah says, as they walk up the road, as Kenneth says "Where are you, Anthony?" before leaving the burnt down house.

The group stumbled down the road, as they saw another sign with the label TFL. "Whoever runs this place" said Jarrod. "It seems like they really want people to come to them." "Yeah" said William. "Which could be a very bad thing." "Or it might not" said Vivian. "Not everyone is bad." "Yeah" said William. "But, not everyone is good."

It was nighttime, as the group lied on the ground, sleeping. Jason stood, with an assault rifle in hand, keeping watch. "Hey" Hannah said, approaching. Jason smiled at her, as she asked "Have you seen anything?" "No" said Jason. "There's been no sign of any life."

They went silent, before Jason asked "What do you think of this place?" "What do you mean?" she asked, confused. Jason looked at her and said "Do you think it'll be legit?" Hannah looked at him, and said "Honestly, I don't know. I have no idea how there are any civilizations left. I hope it'll be real. I want it to be real. But, I don't see how it is."

Jason looked at the trees, and said "I thought Melville would last forever. That's why I took people in. I thought it would be our sanctuary. But, it wasn't." "It was, for a while" said Hannah. "It could have been, forever. It was Joseph that ruined that for us. If people weren't so evil, then maybe these places would work. That's what I want, but it's not true. We can't stop people. They just do what they want to do." "We could've still been there" said Jason. "We could've been back there, right now. Anthony and Gwen would be there, and so would the Melville's." "Or, we could all be dead" said Hannah. They went quiet, before she said "We can't stop these things from happening. We can only live."

She yawned, before saying "I'm going to bed. Remember, wake Jarrod up in a few hours. He'll be on watch then." Jason nodded, as Hannah walked off. Suddenly, Jason heard a snap in the trees, and he heard the growl of a walker. He walked forward and hit the walker with the assault rifle. He then continued to beat its head in, as the blood went all over his gun.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)

The group walked down the road, as Sam handed Heather an energy bar. "That's yours" she said. "You should eat." "I ate some" said Sam. "And you look starving. You should have it." Heather smiled at him, before taking it. He took her hand, as the two walked further off. She poked him, and he asked "What?" She pointed in front of them, and they saw Andrew and Nick's hands together. She smiled, as he did, too.

They soon approached another sign, and William said "It's a few miles ahead." "It looks like they have lookouts" said Terry. "They'll spot us a while before we spot them." They all looked nervous, as Hannah said "We continue through the trees." "Why?" Ted asked. "We want to see them before they see us" said William, as he led the group off into the woods.

The large group walked for a while, when they heard a car engine. "Down" Hannah said, and they all dropped down. A large truck drove past them, as they saw walkers coming out of the woods and following the truck. "Let's go" Jarrod said, when Hector screamed.

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