7x20 The Heartbreaking SEASON FINALE

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The Walking Dead

Season 7

Episode 20

No Time Left

Previously On WillBrennan7's The Walking Dead...

"It's a new world order" says Daniel Maine, as Anthony beats Daniel's face in. "I am not a murderer" says Anthony, as he cuts Cole up. "I'm Anthony Freed" says a little boy, as Rebecca says "End this, and then find Sam and Julia. He needs his father, because his mother's gone" and Rebecca shoots herself in the head. "We are survivors" Anthony says. "We are the walking dead." "It's a power plant" and the group takes the power plant. "I'm Spike the animal" says Spike, as he shoots Gwen, and says "You've never faced someone like me." "They'll be dead by sunset" says Spike, as their car crashes. "You can't stop me" says Molly, as she is shot and runs off, as William follows her. Anthony and Spike fight, but a walker grabs Anthony. "Anthony, you're bleeding" Hannah says, as Anthony feels his shoulder, as his voice says "You are my family, and I will protect you at any cost."



          It was noon, and the power plant shined brightly as the sun shined on it. Adam and Nick walked around the gates, with guns in hand. Vivian was on the catwalk, with a rifle in her hands as she looked around. "Will the others be back soon?" Nick asked Adam, who looked down at him. "I hope so" said Adam, with a smile on his face.

         Nick nodded, as the two walked further off, before Nick looked up at Adam, and said "Do you think anyone is dead?" Adam looked frightened, before saying "Of course not." Nick stopped walking, before saying "Dad, stop treating me like a baby. I can accept all of the death that happens. It is most likely that someone is dead, but I know that not all of them are dead."

         Adam sighed, before facing Nick and saying "Nick, you're right. I shouldn't treat you like a baby, but I just want you to stay like this forever. I want you to be able to kill walkers, but I don't want you to be hardened, because then I wouldn't be able to live if you were so distant." Nick looked at Adam, before saying "I won't." They then began to walk off, as Adam said "Yes, someone might be dead." Nick looked saddened.

             The power plant was in the distance, and Sam smiled at its glory. His rifle was in his hand, but he had yet fired it. "Have you used that kind of gun before?" Vince asked. Sam looked at him, and sad "I think so. I haven't used it often though. I'm more of a pistol kind of guy." Vince smiled, and said "I'm a bow and arrow kind of guy."

                 Sam smiled, and said "Before this thing started, I wanted to take up archery as a skill. Never got to, though." "Well" said Vince. 'Francis and I know how to use the old bow an arrow, so one of us could teach you. It should probably be him, because he's much more skilled than I am." Sam chuckled, before saying "I'll ask him." Vince smiled.

                  Vivian had the rifle in hand, when she suddenly saw something in the distance. She aimed the gun, as Adam asked "What is it?" "I don't know" said Vivian, looking intently at it. "It could be Sam, or Vince, or Carly" said Nick. "Don't fire yet." "I won't." Vivian looked, when the thing revealed long hair, and Vivian said "Its Carly." Adam sighed, before saying "Phew."

                   Sam spotted Carly walking in the direction of him and Vince. Sam waved, when suddenly, a gun went, off a Vince collapsed to the ground, with a bullet wound in his chest. Sam turned, but was punched in the face in the Spike. Carly started to run over, when Spike shot, and Carly fell to the ground.

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