Season 2 Episode 11

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The Walking Dead

Season 2

Episode 11

Can’t Go On

Previously On WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“WE NEED BANDAGES” Anthony shouts as Sam bleeds. “I feel fine” shouts William, throwing a bottle into the wall. “There” says Ted as he points at the museum. “We need people” says Thomas as it shows Harry shoot an arrow at Anthony. They then run into the forest.

      The twigs broke as they ran. “Are they coming?” asked William, looking back. “No” said David. “We’re fine, for now.” They looked at Peter and John who held Anthony’s limp body. “Is he still breathing?” Hannah asked, looking at him. Peter checked for a pulse and nodded.

       Then, they saw flashlights behind them and they immediately ran off. They could here growling and Harry shout “THEY WENT THAT WAY.” Then, two members of Arrington emerged, but Ted and Hannah chopped their heads off. “Go, go” said Ted as another one emerged, only to have a machete go into his skull.

       They kept running until they reached the outskirts of the forest. “You’ve got to be kidding” said Ian as they arrived. There were many walkers roaming around the car, and they were surrounded. “What do we do?” asked Terry. “Walkers or Arrington?” “Walkers” said William as he ran out and shot three.

       The others came out and they all shot and stabbed every walker in range. Then, two Arrington soldiers appeared, but were shot by William and David. They fell, bullet holes in their necks, and suffered a painful death. “Coast is clear” said William as Hannah chopped the final walkers head off. They all jumped into the cars and drove off as all of the Arrington soldiers came out of the woods.

     Thomas, anger filling his head, shot a dead walker three times. “Boss” said Harry. “What now?” Then, the soldiers that William shot in the neck started to move. “Ramirez” said Harry with a curious expression. Thomas crouched down and stared at the men who started growling. He shot both of them and then checked for bites, but there were none. Then, a sinister smile formed on his evil face.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)

     Gwen sat next to Sam, holding his hand. “Are you okay?” asked Tyler, as he and Kate walked up with water. “I’m fine” said Gwen. “I’ve just known Sam for a while, and I’m worried about him.” “That’s not it’ said Tyler. “You’re in love with Anthony.”

      “Excuse me” said Gwen. “I’m not in love with him. Sure, he’s my best friend and I care for him, but I don’t love him.” “You only like Ian because you think Anthony doesn’t love you” said Kate. “But he doers. We’ve seen it in his eyes. So, no you’re not fine.” “Guys” said Bob, walking over. “There are walkers outside.”

      They got up and walked to the window where they saw many walkers roaming around the parking lot. “Ugh” said Gwen. “Where are they?” “Dad” said a weak voice. They turned and saw Sam, whose eyes were opened, looking around.

      “Sam” said Gwen. “Are you okay?” “I’m fine” said Sam. “I’m feeling better. Where’s my dad?” “He went to scout the museum” said Bob. “They’ll get back soon.” “Sooner more than later” said Shane, who pointed at the cars driving through the walkers and up to the store.

       Then, Gwen saw Anthony being carried out with an arrow in his hip. “DAD” shouted Sam as they put Anthony on another check out counter. His father was pale, unconscious, and bleeding, but he was still breathing. “What happened?” asked Gwen. “Harry Kane” said William. “We saw Thomas execute a woman, and Anthony couldn’t take it so we attacked, but he was hit.”

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