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The Walking Dead

Season 6

Episode 3

The Fire Inside

Previously on WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“Joseph’s alive” William says, as the group runs from walkers. “We think you know a friend of ours” says Joseph, as Sam stabs him and then shoots Henry. “YOU DIDN’T KNOW MY BROTHER” Terry shouts, throwing a glass at the wall, which shatters. “I’m a murderer” Sam sobs, as Anthony hugs him. “I love you” Vivian says, looking at Terry. “I love you too” he says, as they lie next to each other. “Doctor” Toby says, before collapsing, his breath stopping.


            Melville was completely dark. Walkers roamed outside of the wall. The rifle lied on the top of the wall, next to the chair the person on watch sits in. “Doctor” Toby’s voice says. The infirmary was pitch black. The only light that lit it was the light from the moon. Toby walked to the middle of the infirmary, before his shaking knees gave way, and he collapsed.

              Blood poured from his mouth and the infected scratch that was on his arm. It spread across the floor, as Toby’s motionless body lied in it. The blood surrounding him, before it finally stopped spreading. There was no moving, and the noise the blood made as it poured from Toby’s body stopped.

                It was quiet now, and there was no movement anywhere. Toby’s body lied motionless in the blood that now soaked and stand his body. No one knew he was there. No one knew he was dead. And no one knew, as his eyes opened, that he had turned. He stood up from the pool of blood before walking off, leaving bloody footprints.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


                     Anthony kissed Gwen as the two sat on their bed together. Anthony pulled away, as Gwen looked confused. “What is it?” she asked. Anthony sighed and said “Its Sam. Today, he killed two men that tried to hurt us. I tried to explain to him that it was the right thing to do, and he knows that, but he’s traumatized by it.” “Do you want me to talk to him about it?” Gwen asked. “Could you” he said. “You two are like best friends. He’d understand if you told him.” “I’ll do it” Gwen said, with a smile.

                      Sam lied against his pillow, shaking, as he moaned. Suddenly, he was lying in that store, holding Hannah’s bloody sword. It was sticking out of a man in a ski mask, and Sam stood up, and pulled it off. Anthony stood in front of him, with the sword sticking out of his chest. “Sam, how could you?” Anthony asked, when suddenly, blood poured from his mouth and eyes. Sam screamed, as a gun in his hand went off and shot the person next to Anthony. The person fell into the light, and Sam gasped. Rebecca lied still, dead. Suddenly, Gwen appeared and said “You’re a murder.”  Suddenly, everything was black.

                        Sam opened his eyes and sat up, with his gun raised. Suddenly, a walker came out of nowhere and bit his arm. He screamed, as his gun shot its last bullet. Sam fell off of the bed, blood pouring down his arm, as the walker climbed over and climbed on top of him. It then grabbed his neck, and sunk its teeth into it. Sam let out an ear piercing scream, before he was silenced.

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