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The Walking Dead

Season 7

Episode 19

Dead Man Walking

Previously On WillBrennan7's The Walking Dead...

"You never faced someone like me" Spike says, as he shoots Gwen in the head. "It's a power plant" Anthony says, as the group takes the power plant. "I need to end this" Molly says, as she sobs on the ground. "He needs you" Gwen says, as Sam and Anthony hug. "Thank you for being back" Sam says, as Hector whispers to Molly "I know when you lie." "They will all be dead" Anthony says, as Spike says "Then, we'll strike." "She's lying" Gwen says, as Anthony looks at her and asks "About which bit?"



         Sam cocked his pistol, as Nick struggled with his rifle. "Here" said Sam, walking over. He helped Nick load it, as Nick said "Thanks Sam. Everything's just a bit more difficult, with my hand." Sam looked down at Nick's wrapped up hand, before saying "It'll be fine Nick. I'm sure you'll get used to it." Nick nodded, as Sam walked off.

          Nick looked across from him at Ted, who was sharpening his knife hand. "Can I ask you something?" Ted looked up, and Nick asked "Is it hard, still, for you?" Ted looked at Nick, and said "It never gets easier." He stood up, as Nick looked downcast. Ted then put his hand on Nick's shoulder, and said "But, it doesn't get harder." Nick nodded.

            Vince walked around the perimeter of the gates, with a gun in his hand, as Francis and Jason walked over. "Are you guys almost ready?" Vince asked, as Francis said "All of the guns should be loaded soon. We'll be setting up bins so that people can easily grab the guns." "We'll just need to get some supplies together" said Jason. "And then, we'll be going after them. Remember, you and Adam will be in charge while we're gone." Vince nodded, as Francis said "We'll all be okay. We'll make it through." Vince nodded again, as a branch broke.

              Vince aimed his gun and pointed it out of the gates, as a walker emerged. Vice shot it down, as Jason said "We shouldn't be wasting too much. We'll need those bullets, just in case." Vince nodded, as the three walked off.

                 Vivian had her rifle in her hands, as she saw Terry approaching. "Spot anything?" he asked from below, and Vivian said "Just a couple walkers." Terry nodded, before saying "We'll make it through this, Viv." "I know" said Vivian. "I can't help but worry, though." Terry nodded.

                   Molly sat in her room, with her arms around her knees. She looked frightened, as she kept muttering "You can't hurt me. You're dead." "Molly" said William, knocking on the door. "You up?" Molly looked up at the door, wiped her eyes, and said "Yeah, I'm coming."

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


                     Anthony had his head against his pillow, as he looked up at the ceiling. Hannah stood at the doorway, and said "Today's the day." Anthony sat up, and said "Yeah, it is." Hannah walked over, and asked "Are you ready?" Anthony stared at her, and said "No, I'm not."

                     Hannah looked confused, as Anthony said "I've been seeing things. Gwen, Sam's mom Rebecca, my sister, and Todd." Hannah's eyes widened, as she asked "Are you lying?" Anthony raised his arms, and said "Why would I be lying?" Hannah sighed, as Anthony said "They've been telling me that someone's gonna die today. I don't know who, but somebody is."

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