Season 2 Episode 1

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The Walking Dead

Season 2

Episode 1

Life As We Knew it

         The twigs broke as they ran through the forest. The girl looked back, searching for the walkers who growled in the night. “FASTER” shouted William as a walker came up. He stabbed it in the head as he and Carly turned to the right.

          The growls became fainter as they reached the middle of the woods. “There” said Carly, as she pointed at a cabin. William nodded and they ran to the cabin. They got inside, and heard growls. “Down” said William as he pushed Carly down.

             He looked around and saw five walkers looking around. “Hide in there” William told her and he pointed to an empty bathroom. “Okay” said Carly. “Be careful.” She crawled into the bathroom as a walker nearest to William fell. William had stabbed it in the head.

              The other four walkers heard the scuffle and approached. William opened the front door and the walkers walked to it. Before they left, another walkers emerged and growled at William. He jumped on top of it and stabbed its head, but the other walkers heard him.

                William jumped over the couch and shouted “COME AND GET ME.” The walkers started to come, and William threw his knife into one of their heads, but dropped it as one almost bit him. Now, he had absolutely no form of defense.

                  “STAY IN THERE” William shouted to Carly as he kicked one walker into a chair, which fell over. He then threw the other walker into a wall as the next walker jumped on top of him. William could smell its mouth as it opened it to bear their teeth. William then grabbed the walker’s arm and pulled as hard as he could.

                     Within seconds, its arm was off. William kicked the walker off of him, pulled out its arm bone, and stabbed its head with the bone. He then grabbed a vase, broke it, and killed the next walker. Then, he pulled off the arm of a chair and stabbed and killed the final walker.

                          Carly walked out of the bathroom and asked “Are you okay?” William panted, but nodded. He then stared into the mirror next to him and saw the blood covering most of his body. He sighed at the picture. “No bites?” asked Carly. He looked at her, shook his head, and said “No bites.”

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


The Anthony, Sam, And Gwen Story

                            The rotting smell of the man in front of them filled the jewelry store. Anthony Freed looked at his son, Sam, who was grossed out by the man. “It’ll be alright” Anthony told him, and Sam smiled. Then, quite suddenly, the walkers banged hard on the door and the bat started to crack.

                             The three ran to the door and held it back. “Okay guys” said Anthony. “You hide in the security office and cover me. I’ll stay here and shoot them from behind the cases.” “Are you sure?” asked Gwen. Anthony nodded as the bat broke. “RUN” he shouted. Sam and Gwen ran into the security office as Anthony jumped over the cases.

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