Season 3 Mid-Season Finale

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The Walking Dead

Season 3

Episode 5

Silent Night

Previously On WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

Somebody is trying to hurt us” Anthony says as they stare at the window. “It seems like you’re more his girlfriend than mine” Ian says to a shocked Gwen. “We have to make a route” Anthony says as David runs out shouting “HEY, OVER HERE.” “We have to go back for Dave” says Tyler. “He’d want us to continue the mission” Anthony says as the RV breaks down. “Walkers” Anthony says as they all run to hide. “Katherine” Anthony says. He picks her up, puts her into the car, and jumps into the trunk, which can’t close. Then, the window is pulled off, allowing walkers in.



          Tears fell down Katherine’s eyes as William had his hand over her mouth. “Shh” he whispered, trying to calm her down. The walkers outside were growling loudly as the two lied back in the car, trying to stay out of view of the walkers.

          Anthony was in the trunk, breathing heavily. He could here the walkers outside, and he could tell they were hungry. Then, he noticed light shining into the trunk. An axe-handle was sticking out of the trunk, holding it opened.

         Anthony tried to reach it with his hand, but since the trunk was small, he was in a position that made it impossible to reach. He started pulling it to him with his foot, and he succeeded. He slammed the trunk shut, but the walkers heard. They walked to the trunk and started banging on it.

          Fear boiled inside of William as he heard the walkers. Get away he thought. Get away from him. He raised his head to see Kate and Tyler crawling into a car. He hoped that they were trying to start it and drive into the walkers. He didn’t even care if they crashed into the car. He just hoped they all made it out alive.

          Anthony started sweating as all of the walkers banged on the trunk. They were growling and their stench reached his nostrils. Suddenly, he noticed that he was holding the trunk down, and if he let go, it would open, ensuring his death.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


          Sam finished up his eggs before going up to the second floor and staring out of the large window that gave him a large view of everything at the front of the museum. He could see the thousands of walkers surrounding the museum, and he just hoped his father would make it back.

          “Hey Sam” Gwen said, walking towards him. “You should get to bed soon.” “I can’t” said Sam. “My dad’s out there. I can’t go to bed until he comes back. I’m just gonna wait here until they come, then I’ll let you guys know.” “Fine” said Gwen. “But, if you need anything, just come see one of us.” Sam nodded as Gwen walked off.

            She walked to her doorway, but stopped as she saw Ian there, setting up sheets. “I think I’ll keep watch tonight” she said before walking out. “Gwen, wait” Ian called. She, reluctantly, walked back into the room. He walked to her and said “I’m sorry about everything. It’s just that, I’m in love with you, and I feel like you’re so distant. I keep thinking that you and Anthony are more than friends.”

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